How to Increase Your Hunter DPS in WoW
- 1). Look at your spec. As of patch 3.2, Survival is the top dps spec for hunters. Check the hunter forums on to find the top dps spec for your current gear level.
- 2). Use the right bullets/ammo. If you are using vendor bullets and ammo, you are cheating yourself out of damage points. Find an engineer to create you some Mammoth Cutters or Saronite Razorheads. Use these only in raids, since they are expensive, but they will increase your dps.
- 3). Gem appropriately for your spec. If you are specced Beast Mastery, you should focus on Attack Power. Survival specs benefit more from Agility, and Marksmen can benefit well from either or a combination of both. Once again, see your class forums for the best gem stats for your gear level.
- 4). Use a scope. Attaching the right scope to your bow or gun can give your dps a boost. Ask an engineer to link you what they can make or browse scopes on the auction house.
- 5). Know your priority shots. Hunters do not work on a rotation. Hunters choose their shots by priority depending on spec. Use a practice dummy to help you remember your priority combos and get faster at selecting them.
- 6). Choose the right pet. Taking a tenacity pet into a raid doesn't help your dps. The top dps pet currently is a wolf for their Furious Howl ability.
- 7). Enchant your gear. Don't underestimate how much good enchants can help boost your damage. If you get a piece of gear you plan on keeping for a while have the very best enchant that you can put on it.
- 8). Use food buffs and pots/elixirs. The buffs you get from pots and food should not be ignored in a raid. Use them!
- 9). Use scrolls. An increased agility scroll will help you increase your dps, even if you are Beast Mastery specced. Every little bit helps. Just be sure there isn't a death knight in your group. If there is, Horn of Winter will deactivate your scroll.
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Max out your hit rating. This cannot be stressed enough. Hit rating is extremely important for most all classes in WoW. Soft cap your hit (7%) as soon as you can and hard cap (8%) as your gear improves.