Finding Affordable Car Insurance For High Risk Drivers
Finding affordable car insurance for high-risk drivers is a matter of understanding why you've been put into that category, how long you will be there, and what the best type of coverage for you will be until you're placed back in a standard risk pool. Above all it is incumbent for you to correct the issues that have caused you to be classified as high risk. That's the only way to bring down your insurance rates for good.
Definition of High-Risk Driver
A high-risk driver is simply one whose actions behind the wheel have demonstrated to his insurance company that he poses a high risk for accident claims. Since the insurance company is risking that a future claim will cost them more money than they've taken in through your premiums, cheap car insurance is not their objective; protecting themselves against loss is.
To be a high risk driver is to be one who increases the chances your insurance company will take a loss on a claim. High risk drivers are those with frequent accidents, multiple speeding tickets and other violations, and even criminal violations. If you are a high-risk driver you can pretty much forget about getting the cheapest car insurance available.
High Risk Driver Pools
You can be classified as a high-risk driver but still be placed in a standard risk pool with other similar drivers. This is generally the case when you only have two or three issues on your record at a given time. When you look for car insurance quotes as this type of driver, you'll pay a little more than someone who has a clean record, but your rates won't necessarily go through the roof.
On the other hand, a high risk pool is a group of drivers who pose an unusually high danger on the road due to things like excessive speeding tickets, DWI/DUI, hit-and-run accidents, and so on. These drivers can't get a standard insurance policy from a regular insurance carrier; they usually have to purchase insurance from a company specializing in high risk pools or, when that's not even possible, through a state-sponsored high risk pool. Either way, if you've been placed in one of these pools you will pay extremely high insurance premiums.
Getting Car Insurance Quotes
Finding cheap auto insurance if you're a high-risk driver will require you to get in touch with multiple companies to compare quotes. Just be sure that you're upfront and honest about your driving history. Also be sure to ask for any discounts you might be eligible for, as well as how long each insurance company will consider you a high-risk driver if you keep your record clean from this point forward. Armed with that information and some quotes to compare, you'll be able to find the most affordable policy possible.
Definition of High-Risk Driver
A high-risk driver is simply one whose actions behind the wheel have demonstrated to his insurance company that he poses a high risk for accident claims. Since the insurance company is risking that a future claim will cost them more money than they've taken in through your premiums, cheap car insurance is not their objective; protecting themselves against loss is.
To be a high risk driver is to be one who increases the chances your insurance company will take a loss on a claim. High risk drivers are those with frequent accidents, multiple speeding tickets and other violations, and even criminal violations. If you are a high-risk driver you can pretty much forget about getting the cheapest car insurance available.
High Risk Driver Pools
You can be classified as a high-risk driver but still be placed in a standard risk pool with other similar drivers. This is generally the case when you only have two or three issues on your record at a given time. When you look for car insurance quotes as this type of driver, you'll pay a little more than someone who has a clean record, but your rates won't necessarily go through the roof.
On the other hand, a high risk pool is a group of drivers who pose an unusually high danger on the road due to things like excessive speeding tickets, DWI/DUI, hit-and-run accidents, and so on. These drivers can't get a standard insurance policy from a regular insurance carrier; they usually have to purchase insurance from a company specializing in high risk pools or, when that's not even possible, through a state-sponsored high risk pool. Either way, if you've been placed in one of these pools you will pay extremely high insurance premiums.
Getting Car Insurance Quotes
Finding cheap auto insurance if you're a high-risk driver will require you to get in touch with multiple companies to compare quotes. Just be sure that you're upfront and honest about your driving history. Also be sure to ask for any discounts you might be eligible for, as well as how long each insurance company will consider you a high-risk driver if you keep your record clean from this point forward. Armed with that information and some quotes to compare, you'll be able to find the most affordable policy possible.