Types of Primula
- The common primrose (Primula vulgaris) is a small-growing plant with colorful flowers that is used in outdoor gardens and as a houseplant. Other Primulas include plants that range in height from a few millimeters to over 3 feet. Colors range from white to deep purple. Primulas live in diverse environments, including Europe, Japan, Alaska, Asia, China and South America.
- Primula vulgaris is native to the British Isles and southern Europe. This true primrose is the parent stock of modern primrose hybrid varieties. Yellow, pink or purple flowers form on 8-inch stems. Like most primroses, vulgaris prefers rich, moist soil in partial shade.
- Primula veris is native to the British Isles, where it grows in meadows and pastures. It was formerly more common than it is today. Plants form a rosette with dark green leaves, above which a 10-inch flower spike grows that supports yellow, orange, russet or red flowers that are shaped like bells. It prefers rich, moist soil that drains well and needs afternoon shade in warm climates.
Common Primrose
English Cowslip