Can John McCain Return to Capitol Hill Unscathed?
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".
These words come to mind upon hearing John McCain's name mentioned.
When I see the former candidate on television or in the news I can't help but wonder who is this man?I knew who he "used to be" (pre-election) but I am a bit confused in these post election times as to who John McCain really is.
Just as confused as I (as a kid) was when watching the movie, The Wizard of Oz, and Toto pulled back the curtain to revel the little man pushing the buttons and pulling levers to create the "Great and Powerful Oz".
I wondered then, who is this man?Who is the man behind the curtain?Today the adult in me asks; "Who is John Mc Cain"?"Who is the man behind the candidate"?Interestingly,why shouldn't we pay more attention to the man behind the curtain, the candidate? Over these many months of campaigning Mr.
McCain has gone from the "not so mild mannered, Maverick" of Congress to the wonderful wizard of politics.
From a man of service who truly did posses moral fortitude and firm convictions; to a man who pondered to the press and sacrificed his values at the whim of his party.
We have seen the transformation of a man who fought valiantly for his country loose his perspective and therefore, his way.
Mc Cain was a man of honesty, integrity.
He was also afforded the well deserved respect of an officer of the United States Navy - until he was chosen to become the republican nominee for president of the United States and in doing so traded his principles for a parties conviction.
He was once a man to be reckoned with on Capitol Hill.
So, what happened to the real McCain?More importantly, will the real John Mc Cain please stand up!Can he or should he? In the insanity that was this past election we have been shown the differences in the political parties but more so the difference of the men within them.
In the high stakes political game of presidential elections we have seen various strategies and several approaches to separate issues by two very different personalities.
Presidential campaigns have always been dirty, low down, and loaded with personal attacks by grown men and their parties.
Some of the earliest campaigns were the slimiest.
It is a fact, shamefully so but this is the way of elections in our country...
or so we thought!This Presidential election, although promised to be different, proved to be historically nasty, a one sided-mud slinging campaign, lead by the Republican candidate, John Mc Cain.
Surprisingly the Democratic side stuck to their guns and kept to the issues, responding only to the most outrageous accusations and lies.
Is 2008 the year that the American people finally said, (loud and clearly) that we have had enough of the game as is and that we want new rules to play by?Perhaps John McCain got caught up in the wave of change that is inevitable in history from time to time.
Could it be he just wasn't paying attention?Maybe Americans got smarter, or we were determined in this election to show that as a whole we can make a difference; that we can create change and hold hope in the promise of our good country.
Maybe McCain counted on the fact that Americans had "dumbed down".
This time, America decided it wouldn't vote for a party but for an American thereby voting for America!Most folks, except the staunch bases (and even some of them) could see beyond the smoke and fire and realized that it was time for the independent individuals living in this land to become part of the communities our ancestors originated in order to protect and serve our country.
They finally can see that wealth does not trickle down to the lower class and many now realize that we must work together to collectively become prosperous.
Even though this country is built on the premise that we are a land of opportunity and on the idea that all individuals may obtain individual wealth; we must not forget that we do not (and could not) achieve so much without the sweat and tears of other individuals.
Individuals who are dreaming the same dream, who are also in the pursuit of wealth and happiness.
Americans realized that government could not continue in the manner in which we have allowed it to function and that a new direction was imperative.
Government and its fiduciaries need a new game plan.
We opted for no more of the same, we voted for a new game! In his campaign Mr.
McCain preached divisions; racial, religious and party.
Through advertisements and speeches he and his running mate, Sara Palin were inciting both hate and fear while promoting change with reform and yet government as is.
Worst of all the campaign ridiculed hope and insulted the intelligence of many Americans time and again.
I believe voters were tired of the rhetoric, the political games and divisiveness;wanting instead someone who wasted no time on inane topics but would rather discuss the relevant issues while at the same time ignoring childish ranting and banter.
Had John McCain really looked he'd have seen the wave coming! We have seen Mr.
Mc Cain transform himself, (like the Wizard in Oz), into what he thought America wanted him to be.
A need arose, a situation popped up, or a bandwagon chugged by and Mc Cain became the instant messiah brandishing the baton, the man for everyone.
Clearly in some cases he was acting on merely a reflex action; without prior thought, restraint or consideration.
We saw not a man of substance but a substantial man with no clear goal or moral compass.
A man who promised us change but a change in an unclear, indefinite, undefinable direction.
A man whose character, now by his own recent actions, is in question.
Fortunately America could see that it is a man's character that will play the biggest role in his ability to lead our county toward the a change we could be proud of and participate in.
American's no longer want the old way of governing.
These past eight years have proved to be a long hard lesson in politics for us.
Many citizens who've never paid attention in the past, got involved in this election.
Young folks fell in line too, to support their country.
There is hope and confidence in the president elect and in the future of our government for the first time in a long time! Our country suffers now as it has not since the great depression.
American's have been rudely awakened to their country's need for strong, smart, guidance.
Guidance with principal, integrity, truthfulness and transparency not led by party rule or affiliation.
America needs a leader without all of the immediate answers (and who knows and freely admits it), someone with the intelligence to weigh the options, hear both sides of view, discuss differences and work out compromises with an open mind; calmly and decisively with anyone, anywhere and at anytime.
An approachable leader who surrounds himself with experienced and intelligent advisers, keeping his friends close his enemies closer still.
John Mc Cain could not see the writing in the sky or he chose not to.
Grossly out of touch, he misunderstood the needs and desires of the American's he serves.
Perhaps we became harder to see due to his privileged upbringing; coupled with his upper class lifestyle and the wealthy, powerful "friends" he surrounds himself with?(Lending to question his frequently used campaign reference to all American's as "my friends"!)Perhaps his world became too small to see the rest of us? Regardless, he lost sight of his goals and the accomplishments he could have made had he succeeded in becoming the President of the United States.
He missed the quintessential opportunity to serve his country and put "country first" a desire he professed consistently during his campaign.
Ultimately losing himself and possibly destroying his reputation.
Often throughout these past few months, I wondered if Mr.
McCain felt as if he was living in another world.
Was he feeling just as lost as Dorothy; in a place where no one was who you thought they were, a place where nothing was real and where you just had to be yourself to be home? Even with approval ratings spiraling downward, McCain continued on the path of destruction, ignoring popular opinion.
Repeatedly degrading himself and his vice presidential candidate.
Proving his out-of-touch politics and lengthening his distance from the real "Joe the Plumber" by continuing the negativity and ugly attacks upon his opponent, while obviously ignoring the issues.
Rather than end the lies and the tactics which were clearly ineffective, the McCain campaign continued its strategy insuring his demise.
McCain may have damaged his reputation beyond repair.
Keep in mind this is a seasoned politician who made these choices not a novice governor pulled into the ranks at a moments notice! Choices he made freely without a thought of how his actions might affect others, not just in the political venue but reaching further throughout the country.
As evidenced in his supporters questions at town hall meetings and rallies, stimulated by the Republican party's spin of his opponents ties with "terrorism" and his campaign's "unpatriotic", "un-American" characterization of Senator Obama.
Similarly in evidence was his choice for a female (need you ask why?) running mate and the exploitation of her and her family.
For many of us the decision to vote was a difficult one.
John McCain's past and his service to our country were first and foremost on people's minds, understandably.
I was a "pre-nomination" McCain fan but as the days and months unfolded the doubts arose and the tingle at the base of my neck wouldn't go away.
(Something over the years I have learned never to ignore.
)Day by day, the man I thought I knew disappeared until he was no more than a fond memory.
Oh, I had so many reasons to vote the way I did this year; so many that I could not begin to list them all! In retrospect it was really fundamental and easy to see.
You see, if only had one reason to vote, the criteria centered solely on the content of a man's character and strictly about the role model I would like my sons and daughters to emulate; it would have been a clearer and much simpler choice.
That's what this whole election was about wasn't it?Choice.
Your choice, my choice and Mr.
We can live with ours, I'll bet.
I wonder, can John McCain live with his?Most importantly can his constituents and peers in Washington live with them? I only hope the thump on the head wasn't too serious because he'll need to remember who he is, why he's there and get back to America's business.
The questions remain, however.
Can John McCain become the effective man that he "used to be"?Is it possible for John McCain to regain his reputation, retrievingthe many virtues and traits he's seemed to have lost during this campaign?Will things get done across the isle, McCain/Maverick style just like in the old days before he became the Republican party's presidential wizard lost?We shall see.
These words come to mind upon hearing John McCain's name mentioned.
When I see the former candidate on television or in the news I can't help but wonder who is this man?I knew who he "used to be" (pre-election) but I am a bit confused in these post election times as to who John McCain really is.
Just as confused as I (as a kid) was when watching the movie, The Wizard of Oz, and Toto pulled back the curtain to revel the little man pushing the buttons and pulling levers to create the "Great and Powerful Oz".
I wondered then, who is this man?Who is the man behind the curtain?Today the adult in me asks; "Who is John Mc Cain"?"Who is the man behind the candidate"?Interestingly,why shouldn't we pay more attention to the man behind the curtain, the candidate? Over these many months of campaigning Mr.
McCain has gone from the "not so mild mannered, Maverick" of Congress to the wonderful wizard of politics.
From a man of service who truly did posses moral fortitude and firm convictions; to a man who pondered to the press and sacrificed his values at the whim of his party.
We have seen the transformation of a man who fought valiantly for his country loose his perspective and therefore, his way.
Mc Cain was a man of honesty, integrity.
He was also afforded the well deserved respect of an officer of the United States Navy - until he was chosen to become the republican nominee for president of the United States and in doing so traded his principles for a parties conviction.
He was once a man to be reckoned with on Capitol Hill.
So, what happened to the real McCain?More importantly, will the real John Mc Cain please stand up!Can he or should he? In the insanity that was this past election we have been shown the differences in the political parties but more so the difference of the men within them.
In the high stakes political game of presidential elections we have seen various strategies and several approaches to separate issues by two very different personalities.
Presidential campaigns have always been dirty, low down, and loaded with personal attacks by grown men and their parties.
Some of the earliest campaigns were the slimiest.
It is a fact, shamefully so but this is the way of elections in our country...
or so we thought!This Presidential election, although promised to be different, proved to be historically nasty, a one sided-mud slinging campaign, lead by the Republican candidate, John Mc Cain.
Surprisingly the Democratic side stuck to their guns and kept to the issues, responding only to the most outrageous accusations and lies.
Is 2008 the year that the American people finally said, (loud and clearly) that we have had enough of the game as is and that we want new rules to play by?Perhaps John McCain got caught up in the wave of change that is inevitable in history from time to time.
Could it be he just wasn't paying attention?Maybe Americans got smarter, or we were determined in this election to show that as a whole we can make a difference; that we can create change and hold hope in the promise of our good country.
Maybe McCain counted on the fact that Americans had "dumbed down".
This time, America decided it wouldn't vote for a party but for an American thereby voting for America!Most folks, except the staunch bases (and even some of them) could see beyond the smoke and fire and realized that it was time for the independent individuals living in this land to become part of the communities our ancestors originated in order to protect and serve our country.
They finally can see that wealth does not trickle down to the lower class and many now realize that we must work together to collectively become prosperous.
Even though this country is built on the premise that we are a land of opportunity and on the idea that all individuals may obtain individual wealth; we must not forget that we do not (and could not) achieve so much without the sweat and tears of other individuals.
Individuals who are dreaming the same dream, who are also in the pursuit of wealth and happiness.
Americans realized that government could not continue in the manner in which we have allowed it to function and that a new direction was imperative.
Government and its fiduciaries need a new game plan.
We opted for no more of the same, we voted for a new game! In his campaign Mr.
McCain preached divisions; racial, religious and party.
Through advertisements and speeches he and his running mate, Sara Palin were inciting both hate and fear while promoting change with reform and yet government as is.
Worst of all the campaign ridiculed hope and insulted the intelligence of many Americans time and again.
I believe voters were tired of the rhetoric, the political games and divisiveness;wanting instead someone who wasted no time on inane topics but would rather discuss the relevant issues while at the same time ignoring childish ranting and banter.
Had John McCain really looked he'd have seen the wave coming! We have seen Mr.
Mc Cain transform himself, (like the Wizard in Oz), into what he thought America wanted him to be.
A need arose, a situation popped up, or a bandwagon chugged by and Mc Cain became the instant messiah brandishing the baton, the man for everyone.
Clearly in some cases he was acting on merely a reflex action; without prior thought, restraint or consideration.
We saw not a man of substance but a substantial man with no clear goal or moral compass.
A man who promised us change but a change in an unclear, indefinite, undefinable direction.
A man whose character, now by his own recent actions, is in question.
Fortunately America could see that it is a man's character that will play the biggest role in his ability to lead our county toward the a change we could be proud of and participate in.
American's no longer want the old way of governing.
These past eight years have proved to be a long hard lesson in politics for us.
Many citizens who've never paid attention in the past, got involved in this election.
Young folks fell in line too, to support their country.
There is hope and confidence in the president elect and in the future of our government for the first time in a long time! Our country suffers now as it has not since the great depression.
American's have been rudely awakened to their country's need for strong, smart, guidance.
Guidance with principal, integrity, truthfulness and transparency not led by party rule or affiliation.
America needs a leader without all of the immediate answers (and who knows and freely admits it), someone with the intelligence to weigh the options, hear both sides of view, discuss differences and work out compromises with an open mind; calmly and decisively with anyone, anywhere and at anytime.
An approachable leader who surrounds himself with experienced and intelligent advisers, keeping his friends close his enemies closer still.
John Mc Cain could not see the writing in the sky or he chose not to.
Grossly out of touch, he misunderstood the needs and desires of the American's he serves.
Perhaps we became harder to see due to his privileged upbringing; coupled with his upper class lifestyle and the wealthy, powerful "friends" he surrounds himself with?(Lending to question his frequently used campaign reference to all American's as "my friends"!)Perhaps his world became too small to see the rest of us? Regardless, he lost sight of his goals and the accomplishments he could have made had he succeeded in becoming the President of the United States.
He missed the quintessential opportunity to serve his country and put "country first" a desire he professed consistently during his campaign.
Ultimately losing himself and possibly destroying his reputation.
Often throughout these past few months, I wondered if Mr.
McCain felt as if he was living in another world.
Was he feeling just as lost as Dorothy; in a place where no one was who you thought they were, a place where nothing was real and where you just had to be yourself to be home? Even with approval ratings spiraling downward, McCain continued on the path of destruction, ignoring popular opinion.
Repeatedly degrading himself and his vice presidential candidate.
Proving his out-of-touch politics and lengthening his distance from the real "Joe the Plumber" by continuing the negativity and ugly attacks upon his opponent, while obviously ignoring the issues.
Rather than end the lies and the tactics which were clearly ineffective, the McCain campaign continued its strategy insuring his demise.
McCain may have damaged his reputation beyond repair.
Keep in mind this is a seasoned politician who made these choices not a novice governor pulled into the ranks at a moments notice! Choices he made freely without a thought of how his actions might affect others, not just in the political venue but reaching further throughout the country.
As evidenced in his supporters questions at town hall meetings and rallies, stimulated by the Republican party's spin of his opponents ties with "terrorism" and his campaign's "unpatriotic", "un-American" characterization of Senator Obama.
Similarly in evidence was his choice for a female (need you ask why?) running mate and the exploitation of her and her family.
For many of us the decision to vote was a difficult one.
John McCain's past and his service to our country were first and foremost on people's minds, understandably.
I was a "pre-nomination" McCain fan but as the days and months unfolded the doubts arose and the tingle at the base of my neck wouldn't go away.
(Something over the years I have learned never to ignore.
)Day by day, the man I thought I knew disappeared until he was no more than a fond memory.
Oh, I had so many reasons to vote the way I did this year; so many that I could not begin to list them all! In retrospect it was really fundamental and easy to see.
You see, if only had one reason to vote, the criteria centered solely on the content of a man's character and strictly about the role model I would like my sons and daughters to emulate; it would have been a clearer and much simpler choice.
That's what this whole election was about wasn't it?Choice.
Your choice, my choice and Mr.
We can live with ours, I'll bet.
I wonder, can John McCain live with his?Most importantly can his constituents and peers in Washington live with them? I only hope the thump on the head wasn't too serious because he'll need to remember who he is, why he's there and get back to America's business.
The questions remain, however.
Can John McCain become the effective man that he "used to be"?Is it possible for John McCain to regain his reputation, retrievingthe many virtues and traits he's seemed to have lost during this campaign?Will things get done across the isle, McCain/Maverick style just like in the old days before he became the Republican party's presidential wizard lost?We shall see.