Grants to Fund Training for Service Dogs
- Grants are a useful tool for nonprofit organizations like Service Dog Training facilities to get the necessary money to keep their association alive and running without worry about paying the money back. Grants can come from many places. There are federal grants whereby money is awarded to a group or establishment from government to continue work that benefits the public. Private grants are money given by privately owned companies also for aid to the public. In the case of Service Dog Training there are several ways that grants can be obtained. This gift of money can come from companies that specialize in giving grants related to animals or it can come from organizations that donate to general philanthropic needs.
- Planet Dog Foundation;
The Planet Dog Foundation donates money to groups and organizations that train assistance dogs, therapy dogs and dogs in the law enforcement and medical fields. They are constantly reviewing applications and will donate up to $10,000 to service dog training groups that meet their guidelines. The Assistance Dog United Campaign (ADUC) is like the planet dog foundation in that they give grants and funding to programs devoted to training service dogs for the betterment of people in need, whether they are sick or mentally unsound. This campaign requires application for grants no later than May 31st of the year they desire the grant and must prove that the money is going directly to the training and overall benefits of the training program in question. - The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is a more general charity-based organization within the federal government whereby money is donated from federal employees like postal service workers or military personnel and allocated to the organization of their choosing. Training groups for service dogs can request donations through the CFC. Another more generalized grant-giving entity is the Google Grant Program. This program allows for charitable organizations to advertise freely on Google, allowing for larger exposure for a program and its desire for more funding. In order to be eligible, the service training group must have a website with no revenue generation advertisements on it.
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Types of Grants for Service Dog Training Programs
Private Grants: The Planet Dog Foundation and the Assistance Dog United Foundation
Generalized Grants: Combined Federal Campaign and Google Grant Program