Escape the Friend Zone - How to Get Out From Being Just a Friend
Male-female friendships can be like a double edged sword.
While it can indeed serve as a good starting point for establishing healthy relationships later on, it can also go too far preventing any advancement in the relationship and getting the male stuck in a difficult and confusing situation.
This can be prove to be a delicate situation to handle especially when one starts to take certain actions in order to escape the friend zone which you get stuck in.
When small mistakes can be costly and the stakes are high, you wouldn't really want to gamble on reckless actions that can result to ruin would you? So with all the odds against you, how will you be able to move forward safely? Well, here are some ideas that you might find useful to tackle the friend zone issue: Don't tell her how you feel just yet There is a place and time for everything, and unless you're sure that she feels the same way about you as well, never, ever, utter those three words "I love you" or say anything that comes anywhere near those lines! This is probably one of the most common mistakes men make when starting to move from being just a friend into something more as they just cant help themselves.
Admitting your feelings openly can make the situation awkward and can even cause the entire relationship to drift apart.
So unless you're sure or are willing to take the chance, don't confess just yet.
Limit your time "What?! Are you kidding me?! It's hard enough to endure the thought of not being able to say my true feelings and now I have to limit the time I have for her as well?!" - Well, that's what you'd probably say anyway.
But like it or not, the more you stick by your friend's side, the deeper you'll be digging the "friend zone" hole you're in.
Be unavailable from time to time (even if you're not doing anything) give her the opportunity to miss you at least and look like you have more going on in your life than just her.
Show her that you're indeed the man of her dreams There are qualities that women would like in their man, and if you ever want to move out of being just a friend you need to nurture, develop and show those qualities to her.
Some of the qualities you might want to focus on includes: decisiveness, focus, independence, and a sense of excitement.
These elements are what pushes the buttons in a woman's mind subconsciously.
Of course, you already know that the things mentioned above are easier said than done.
When your heart yearns so hard for your friend it can prove to be quite difficult to make the right decisions, which can lead to disaster or contentment of the present situation (which are both unacceptable and unhealthy).
This basically means that if you do feel something for your friend and would want to escape the friend zone, action is necessary! While well thought out actions won't be able to guarantee success every time, it is better than never having that chance to get the girl of your dreams...
will you risk that?
While it can indeed serve as a good starting point for establishing healthy relationships later on, it can also go too far preventing any advancement in the relationship and getting the male stuck in a difficult and confusing situation.
This can be prove to be a delicate situation to handle especially when one starts to take certain actions in order to escape the friend zone which you get stuck in.
When small mistakes can be costly and the stakes are high, you wouldn't really want to gamble on reckless actions that can result to ruin would you? So with all the odds against you, how will you be able to move forward safely? Well, here are some ideas that you might find useful to tackle the friend zone issue: Don't tell her how you feel just yet There is a place and time for everything, and unless you're sure that she feels the same way about you as well, never, ever, utter those three words "I love you" or say anything that comes anywhere near those lines! This is probably one of the most common mistakes men make when starting to move from being just a friend into something more as they just cant help themselves.
Admitting your feelings openly can make the situation awkward and can even cause the entire relationship to drift apart.
So unless you're sure or are willing to take the chance, don't confess just yet.
Limit your time "What?! Are you kidding me?! It's hard enough to endure the thought of not being able to say my true feelings and now I have to limit the time I have for her as well?!" - Well, that's what you'd probably say anyway.
But like it or not, the more you stick by your friend's side, the deeper you'll be digging the "friend zone" hole you're in.
Be unavailable from time to time (even if you're not doing anything) give her the opportunity to miss you at least and look like you have more going on in your life than just her.
Show her that you're indeed the man of her dreams There are qualities that women would like in their man, and if you ever want to move out of being just a friend you need to nurture, develop and show those qualities to her.
Some of the qualities you might want to focus on includes: decisiveness, focus, independence, and a sense of excitement.
These elements are what pushes the buttons in a woman's mind subconsciously.
Of course, you already know that the things mentioned above are easier said than done.
When your heart yearns so hard for your friend it can prove to be quite difficult to make the right decisions, which can lead to disaster or contentment of the present situation (which are both unacceptable and unhealthy).
This basically means that if you do feel something for your friend and would want to escape the friend zone, action is necessary! While well thought out actions won't be able to guarantee success every time, it is better than never having that chance to get the girl of your dreams...
will you risk that?