Attracting Wealth: 7 Days, 7 Techniques
You have read the books and seen the movies. You know the law of abundance has helped so many attract the wealth they deserve. But how do you make it work for you? Here are 7 super simple strategies. Each day this week choose a different technique to start attracting wealth.
Wealth Attraction Day 1: Make Your Vision Concrete.
We all want something from life. Once you start planning your attraction wealth strategy, the first step is to decide exactly what you want. Perhaps you have always dreamed of building a real estate empire? Maybe your dreams are built of sandy beach getaways or round-the-world cruises? Grab a pen and paper and write those visions down now.
Wealth Attraction Day 2: Take Control of Your Finances.
Have you ever let the bank statement sit unopened on your desk because you were afraid to open it? Did you ever leave the phone ring because you knew a debt collector was calling? When our mindset is one of poverty, it is common to live in a state of denial regarding finances. But being paralyzed into inaction is a surefire way to reject wealth instead of attract wealth. So pull out that bank statement and get a handle on those figures.
Wealth Attraction Day 3: Feel Like a Rich Man or Woman.
It is not enough to just think rich, happy thoughts. You actually have to feel them too. For the law of attraction to be effective, you need to send out the emotions that attract wealth rather than reject it. Replace uncertainty with confidence; replace fear with courage; replace resentment with generosity.
Wealth Attraction Day 4: Visualize Your Dreams.
If you want to attract wealth, you will need to change your mindset from one of poverty to one of prosperity. One easy way to do that is to visualize yourself attracting wealth, the kind you deserve. Wealth visualization can be easier if you craft a "vision board," a place where you can post photos and clippings of all the things you deserve, whether it is an in-home theater or a house that is fit for royalty.
Wealth Attraction Day 5: Just Do It.
Attraction wealth strategies is more than making a list of "I wish..." and "I want..." You will need to take action. Commit to spending a few minutes each day "reading and feeling" your list of goals. Then decide on an action you can take to accomplish just one of those dreams.
Wealth Attraction Day 6: Be Open to the Possibilities.
People who are trapped in a poverty mindset tend to rely on a 9-5 paycheck to get money. The truth is people who successfully attract wealth grab money-making opportunities whenever they appear. That does not necessarily mean you will need to be unethical or immoral to make your fortune. It does mean, however, that you look for opportunities with business contacts, family members, and acquaintances.
Wealth Attraction Day 7: Give Generously.
Yes, even if you cannot afford to become a fulltime philanthropist yet, it is important to give what you have and give with a generous and open heart. A simple act, such as shoveling a neighbor's driveway or picking up prescriptions for the widow next door, attracts the goodness you want to bless your life.
You can attract wealth and the happiness and peace of mind that comes with it. Make wealth attraction a priority today.
Wealth Attraction Day 1: Make Your Vision Concrete.
We all want something from life. Once you start planning your attraction wealth strategy, the first step is to decide exactly what you want. Perhaps you have always dreamed of building a real estate empire? Maybe your dreams are built of sandy beach getaways or round-the-world cruises? Grab a pen and paper and write those visions down now.
Wealth Attraction Day 2: Take Control of Your Finances.
Have you ever let the bank statement sit unopened on your desk because you were afraid to open it? Did you ever leave the phone ring because you knew a debt collector was calling? When our mindset is one of poverty, it is common to live in a state of denial regarding finances. But being paralyzed into inaction is a surefire way to reject wealth instead of attract wealth. So pull out that bank statement and get a handle on those figures.
Wealth Attraction Day 3: Feel Like a Rich Man or Woman.
It is not enough to just think rich, happy thoughts. You actually have to feel them too. For the law of attraction to be effective, you need to send out the emotions that attract wealth rather than reject it. Replace uncertainty with confidence; replace fear with courage; replace resentment with generosity.
Wealth Attraction Day 4: Visualize Your Dreams.
If you want to attract wealth, you will need to change your mindset from one of poverty to one of prosperity. One easy way to do that is to visualize yourself attracting wealth, the kind you deserve. Wealth visualization can be easier if you craft a "vision board," a place where you can post photos and clippings of all the things you deserve, whether it is an in-home theater or a house that is fit for royalty.
Wealth Attraction Day 5: Just Do It.
Attraction wealth strategies is more than making a list of "I wish..." and "I want..." You will need to take action. Commit to spending a few minutes each day "reading and feeling" your list of goals. Then decide on an action you can take to accomplish just one of those dreams.
Wealth Attraction Day 6: Be Open to the Possibilities.
People who are trapped in a poverty mindset tend to rely on a 9-5 paycheck to get money. The truth is people who successfully attract wealth grab money-making opportunities whenever they appear. That does not necessarily mean you will need to be unethical or immoral to make your fortune. It does mean, however, that you look for opportunities with business contacts, family members, and acquaintances.
Wealth Attraction Day 7: Give Generously.
Yes, even if you cannot afford to become a fulltime philanthropist yet, it is important to give what you have and give with a generous and open heart. A simple act, such as shoveling a neighbor's driveway or picking up prescriptions for the widow next door, attracts the goodness you want to bless your life.
You can attract wealth and the happiness and peace of mind that comes with it. Make wealth attraction a priority today.