The Best Way to Replace Protein After Plasma Donation
- Eat plenty of protein rich foods before your donation, according to The best way to prevent blood protein levels from dropping too low is to pump up the amount you consume the night before the donation.
If you are going to be participating in a plasma donation program regularly, then you should always eat the recommended daily amount of protein. The body typically requires between 50 and 80 grams of protein per day.
Eat eggs, lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts and beans to provide you with high levels of protein. Going into the donation session with a high protein level will mean you will not have to worry about replacing as much afterward. - Do not eat fatty foods for protein when you are involved in a plasma donation program, according to Foods such as greasy burgers, deep-fried foods, ice cream or other sweets can make your plasma cloudy and it may make it unfavorable for donation. While a double bacon cheeseburger or deep-fried chicken tenders are certainly proteins, avoid them when a plasma donation is upcoming.
- Drink lots of fluids, especially water, when you are involved in a plasma donation program. Hydrating the body will pump up the veins and make donation times quicker and allow you body to replenish itself more efficiently after the plasma donation is complete. Drink plenty of water and juice the night before and the day of the donation to set your body up for success.
- Eat a healthy meal within three hours of the scheduled donation time, according to Eating within a short time prior to the donation will make it easier to replace proteins after the loss associated with the session.
Do not overeat, but include healthy protein such as lean meat and complex carbohydrates like cereal, breads or fruit.
Eat another healthy meal high in protein following the donation. Again, include lean meats or poultry and avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol for the first four hours. Eating a healthy meal following the donation is the best way to replace lost proteins after plasma donation.
Proteins Before Donation
Avoid Overly Fatty Foods
Drink Fluids
Eat Before and After Donation