Wyoming Laws for Changing the Name of a Minor Child
- A parent or guardian can request a child's name be changed in Wyoming. Whether the name change is due to religious reason, divorce, adoption or other justifiable reason, Wyoming allows a petition to be filed in the court.
- Wyoming requires the person requesting the name change to have a proper reason. While this reason can be dislike of name, religious, adoption and social, the court will not allow a name change that affects other people. For example, the court will not likely grant a name change if the person is avoiding prosecution, debts, or judgments.
- The person filing for the name change and the minor must be residents of Wyoming. The petition for a name change should be filed in the jurisdiction the minor is currently residing. The individual must be a resident of Wyoming for at least 2 years.
- According to Wyoming Statute, Title 1 Code of Civil Procedure, Chapter 25 Change of Name, Section 1-25-103, there must be a public notice filed in the local paper informing the public of the name change. The notice will run for four consecutive weeks in a local publication.
Notice of Change