Small Business Marketing Idea - "Twitterize Your Marketing"
Twitter has revolutionized the way people have been conducting business and this has led to a change in brand perception.
It is elementary that modern marketers appreciate this change in paradigm and adapt to this change, in order to stay afloat in the market.
Making your marketing messages brief is the new order of the day.
Earlier, viewers preferred in-depth marketing messages, sales letters and Press Releases in order to gauge the product, but today, times have changed.
Its the era of instant success and instant rejection.
If your marketing messages are so long that they get your prospect to yawn instantaneously, chances are that they would not even browse through the content, however helpful and well written it might be.
Twitterize you content and make it brief.
It should hit the client where it hurts the most.
Its a single, well thought out line or phrase that will be pivotal in getting you the leads you had always desired.
You can bring in the lengthy literature later, when you think that you have got hold hold of your prospects.
Remember, the motto of today's marketing guru is not "in-depth info", but it is "the shorter, the better!" and this is exactly what people are looking for.
Consider this- you are browsing through a site, looking to weightloss products and you have been coming across similar products, offering similar results and being offered at the same price.
You might open a few pages and get info on these products, but with time, you would get bored of the same, mundane, and often mis-leading content.
Now, imagine that you come across a link saying "one stop shop for all your weight loss problems".
That's it! Wouldn't it generate some curiosity in you? I am sure it will and this is the power of Twitterizing your marketing efforts.
It is not only easy on your pocket (you don't have to pay your copywriters), but, it also guarantees instant recognition in the eyes of the end user.
So, go ahead, and start Twitterizing your efforts towards a meaner, leaner marketing approach.
It is elementary that modern marketers appreciate this change in paradigm and adapt to this change, in order to stay afloat in the market.
Making your marketing messages brief is the new order of the day.
Earlier, viewers preferred in-depth marketing messages, sales letters and Press Releases in order to gauge the product, but today, times have changed.
Its the era of instant success and instant rejection.
If your marketing messages are so long that they get your prospect to yawn instantaneously, chances are that they would not even browse through the content, however helpful and well written it might be.
Twitterize you content and make it brief.
It should hit the client where it hurts the most.
Its a single, well thought out line or phrase that will be pivotal in getting you the leads you had always desired.
You can bring in the lengthy literature later, when you think that you have got hold hold of your prospects.
Remember, the motto of today's marketing guru is not "in-depth info", but it is "the shorter, the better!" and this is exactly what people are looking for.
Consider this- you are browsing through a site, looking to weightloss products and you have been coming across similar products, offering similar results and being offered at the same price.
You might open a few pages and get info on these products, but with time, you would get bored of the same, mundane, and often mis-leading content.
Now, imagine that you come across a link saying "one stop shop for all your weight loss problems".
That's it! Wouldn't it generate some curiosity in you? I am sure it will and this is the power of Twitterizing your marketing efforts.
It is not only easy on your pocket (you don't have to pay your copywriters), but, it also guarantees instant recognition in the eyes of the end user.
So, go ahead, and start Twitterizing your efforts towards a meaner, leaner marketing approach.