Average Car Insurance Rates By State - Take A Well-informed Decision
People are often curious about what people from other states are paying for different insurances. In other words, they want to know if they are paying too much or getting a discount. So far as the actuality is concerned, peoples' concerns are quite valid since some states do end up paying more on insurances than others. Now, it is quite natural for people living in states paying high insurance amount to desire to live in the states where people are paying low. In this perspective, we will focus on average car insurance rates by state in this article. This would greatly help people in taking well informed decisions and in maximizing their utility.
If we look at the higher end, the states which have high insurance rates include Nevada, Florida, Arkansas, Oregon and Utah. As discussed earlier, it would be natural for these people to be unhappy since they are paying a lot more than other states. Now would be a good point to delve into more details about average car insurance rates by state statistically. On the top is Nevada as expected and it has seen almost an increase in insurance rates of about 11% in the last few months. Utah comes on the second position and it has seen an increase of more than 6%. Oregon is the third with the increase of 5% approximately. Arkansas comes last with more than 3.5% percent increase. It could fairly be established from these statistics that these states have witnessed a great deal of increase in insurance rates.
One could include Florida in the upper echelons as well since it has witnessed about 3% growth in the insurance rates as well. After discussing the upper end states, now would be a good point to also delve into the details of lower end states to get the complete picture of average car insurance rates by state. These states have witnessed relief in the insurance rates in the insurance policies. Quite naturally, people living in these states are happier than people living in other states. On top is Delaware, witnessing a discount of nearly 13% in the past couple of months. Maryland comes on the second place as it has also experienced the discount of about 12.5% approximately. After that is Virginia having the discount of almost 12%. So far as Connecticut is concerned, it has experienced almost 11% of discount while New Mexico also has a discount of more than 10%.
After knowing average car insurance rates by state you are now equipped to make well informed decisions. Worth mentioning here is the fact that people must get insurance policies in accordance with the amount of money they can save. In this regard, spending a lot of money would certainly be not a good idea since when you can get the same insurance policy at a lower rate. In light of this discussion, the importance of doing research cannot be overemphasized. So, what are you waiting for? Get a reasonable insurance policy for your car today!
If we look at the higher end, the states which have high insurance rates include Nevada, Florida, Arkansas, Oregon and Utah. As discussed earlier, it would be natural for these people to be unhappy since they are paying a lot more than other states. Now would be a good point to delve into more details about average car insurance rates by state statistically. On the top is Nevada as expected and it has seen almost an increase in insurance rates of about 11% in the last few months. Utah comes on the second position and it has seen an increase of more than 6%. Oregon is the third with the increase of 5% approximately. Arkansas comes last with more than 3.5% percent increase. It could fairly be established from these statistics that these states have witnessed a great deal of increase in insurance rates.
One could include Florida in the upper echelons as well since it has witnessed about 3% growth in the insurance rates as well. After discussing the upper end states, now would be a good point to also delve into the details of lower end states to get the complete picture of average car insurance rates by state. These states have witnessed relief in the insurance rates in the insurance policies. Quite naturally, people living in these states are happier than people living in other states. On top is Delaware, witnessing a discount of nearly 13% in the past couple of months. Maryland comes on the second place as it has also experienced the discount of about 12.5% approximately. After that is Virginia having the discount of almost 12%. So far as Connecticut is concerned, it has experienced almost 11% of discount while New Mexico also has a discount of more than 10%.
After knowing average car insurance rates by state you are now equipped to make well informed decisions. Worth mentioning here is the fact that people must get insurance policies in accordance with the amount of money they can save. In this regard, spending a lot of money would certainly be not a good idea since when you can get the same insurance policy at a lower rate. In light of this discussion, the importance of doing research cannot be overemphasized. So, what are you waiting for? Get a reasonable insurance policy for your car today!