Mundane Astrology - Effects Of Jove In The Fifth In Scorpio For India
Jupiter in the Fifth is said to cause economic progress ( Dhanaptim ).
Let us see how Transit Jupiter in the Fifth has been good for India ( Moon Sign - Cancer, Star - Pushya ).
Jupiter is a functional benefic in India's horoscope, being the lord of 9th & 6th houses from India's Moon Sign, Cancer.
India is ready for a great take off, according to the international banker, Lehman Bros.
Investments will come in Tourism, Food processing, Infrastructure & Financial sectors and these sectors are going to boom! India's GNP is bound to grow at 10% for the next ten years.
India has risen to the second position, as far as foreign investment is concerned.
$ 700 billion total investment & $180 b in manufacturing and with a motivated labour force, India is on the way to become a big power ! With half a billion middle class and with the second largest tech manpower in the world, India's growth will only be second to China, who is growing at 12%.
With improved relations with the US, India is on the road to recovery from debt.
Jupiter has been in Scorpio for the last 10 months and during this phase India has progressed rapidly.
The Fifth House is considered to be the Lakshmi Sthana or the House of Prosperity, as the 5th is the House of Fortune from the House of Fortune (9th) ! Furthur rise is foreseen and India may become the third economic power by 2050 ! This year has been good for India financially - with some sectors like realty, construction, software, auto, banking, tourism etc - booming.
Jove in the House of Prosperity is bringing in $ 700 billion as investment, with $ 180 billion going to manufacturing.
Even though imports are up at $ 181 b, federal debt 155 b and deficit at 55 b, the overall atmosphere has brightened up.
Jupiter in the Fifth will definitely catapult India in the financial ladder and economists are now talking about India being the third economic power by 2050, behind China and US.
One physicist has postulated that like heat which makes the mercury in the thermometer go up, so also Cash pushes up the Sensex & Nifty levels ! So true, if we consider that the Sensex is at a record 19000 ! The Sensex is said to be the barometer of the economy.
Now economists are saying that the Sensex will be up still furthur as cash flow continues into India.
Improved relations with the US is another factor.
More & more millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires ( in rupees ) are born.
Sunil Mittal of Bharti Airtel became India's fourth trillionaire in rupees ! Jove in the Fifth has created another record, Sensex over 19000! Traders are now optimistic about 20000 ! It took only 8 sessions to reach 18000 and four sessions to reach 19000! As the scientist pointed out, it is Cash Flow that drives the Sensex and Nifty.
Economic progress is implied by the rise in the Sensex, as the Sensex is considered to be the barometer of the economy.
Well, Jove in Scorpio has created another record - forex reserves crossing $ 250 billion.
Massive investments are planned in infrastructure, IT, realty, tourism, auto etc.
Exports will be $ 150 billion this year.
As India upgrades technology, infrastructure, marketing and quality control, she will be a force to reckon with in the global market.
Competition from China is healthy and will only bring the best from the Indians ! Jupiter in the Fifth promotes finance and India is changing fast into an industrial power.
It is believed that the Sensex will rise furthur.
Technical corrections will always be there but since the cash flow into I India is high, we can see some record levels ! More FDI is expected to come to India.
Even though imports exceed exports, economists foresee a developed India by 2020.
The rise of the 300 million middle class, globalisation, privatisation & libera- lisation - all these are the causative factors for India's 9 per cent growth.
This growth is only second to China, who is growing at 12%.
Bill Gates said India is a potential software superpower.
BPO, LPO & KPO - all these are opportunities for India.
Now with $ 180 billion coming in as investment in manufacturing, India will progress rapidly.
Jupiter in the Fifth is a great promoter, not only in the financial sphere, but also in Sports.
Dhoni's men brought the World T20 Cup and V Anand was crowned the World Chess Champion.
India moved upto the First position in the T20 and to third position in cricket Tests, even though she has to improve her position in ODIs, which is the sixth position.
It was Jupiter in Scorpio which brought India theT20 World Cup.
Mark the Fifth House from the Moon, which is the Lakshmi ( Prosperity ) Sthana.
One Jupiterian Cycle is 12 years and India brought the Cup in 1983 ( 2 Jupiterian cycles before ).
In 1971, Wadekar brought another laurel ( 3 Jupiterian cycles before).
In other words, Jupiter in the Fifth has been a great relief to a tottering India.
India has been plagued by the rise of Crude ( $87 per barrel), increasing imports (181 b), increasing deficit (55 b) & increasing debt (155 b ) ! Hope there will be many more records before Jupiter leaves Scorpio !
Let us see how Transit Jupiter in the Fifth has been good for India ( Moon Sign - Cancer, Star - Pushya ).
Jupiter is a functional benefic in India's horoscope, being the lord of 9th & 6th houses from India's Moon Sign, Cancer.
India is ready for a great take off, according to the international banker, Lehman Bros.
Investments will come in Tourism, Food processing, Infrastructure & Financial sectors and these sectors are going to boom! India's GNP is bound to grow at 10% for the next ten years.
India has risen to the second position, as far as foreign investment is concerned.
$ 700 billion total investment & $180 b in manufacturing and with a motivated labour force, India is on the way to become a big power ! With half a billion middle class and with the second largest tech manpower in the world, India's growth will only be second to China, who is growing at 12%.
With improved relations with the US, India is on the road to recovery from debt.
Jupiter has been in Scorpio for the last 10 months and during this phase India has progressed rapidly.
The Fifth House is considered to be the Lakshmi Sthana or the House of Prosperity, as the 5th is the House of Fortune from the House of Fortune (9th) ! Furthur rise is foreseen and India may become the third economic power by 2050 ! This year has been good for India financially - with some sectors like realty, construction, software, auto, banking, tourism etc - booming.
Jove in the House of Prosperity is bringing in $ 700 billion as investment, with $ 180 billion going to manufacturing.
Even though imports are up at $ 181 b, federal debt 155 b and deficit at 55 b, the overall atmosphere has brightened up.
Jupiter in the Fifth will definitely catapult India in the financial ladder and economists are now talking about India being the third economic power by 2050, behind China and US.
One physicist has postulated that like heat which makes the mercury in the thermometer go up, so also Cash pushes up the Sensex & Nifty levels ! So true, if we consider that the Sensex is at a record 19000 ! The Sensex is said to be the barometer of the economy.
Now economists are saying that the Sensex will be up still furthur as cash flow continues into India.
Improved relations with the US is another factor.
More & more millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires ( in rupees ) are born.
Sunil Mittal of Bharti Airtel became India's fourth trillionaire in rupees ! Jove in the Fifth has created another record, Sensex over 19000! Traders are now optimistic about 20000 ! It took only 8 sessions to reach 18000 and four sessions to reach 19000! As the scientist pointed out, it is Cash Flow that drives the Sensex and Nifty.
Economic progress is implied by the rise in the Sensex, as the Sensex is considered to be the barometer of the economy.
Well, Jove in Scorpio has created another record - forex reserves crossing $ 250 billion.
Massive investments are planned in infrastructure, IT, realty, tourism, auto etc.
Exports will be $ 150 billion this year.
As India upgrades technology, infrastructure, marketing and quality control, she will be a force to reckon with in the global market.
Competition from China is healthy and will only bring the best from the Indians ! Jupiter in the Fifth promotes finance and India is changing fast into an industrial power.
It is believed that the Sensex will rise furthur.
Technical corrections will always be there but since the cash flow into I India is high, we can see some record levels ! More FDI is expected to come to India.
Even though imports exceed exports, economists foresee a developed India by 2020.
The rise of the 300 million middle class, globalisation, privatisation & libera- lisation - all these are the causative factors for India's 9 per cent growth.
This growth is only second to China, who is growing at 12%.
Bill Gates said India is a potential software superpower.
BPO, LPO & KPO - all these are opportunities for India.
Now with $ 180 billion coming in as investment in manufacturing, India will progress rapidly.
Jupiter in the Fifth is a great promoter, not only in the financial sphere, but also in Sports.
Dhoni's men brought the World T20 Cup and V Anand was crowned the World Chess Champion.
India moved upto the First position in the T20 and to third position in cricket Tests, even though she has to improve her position in ODIs, which is the sixth position.
It was Jupiter in Scorpio which brought India theT20 World Cup.
Mark the Fifth House from the Moon, which is the Lakshmi ( Prosperity ) Sthana.
One Jupiterian Cycle is 12 years and India brought the Cup in 1983 ( 2 Jupiterian cycles before ).
In 1971, Wadekar brought another laurel ( 3 Jupiterian cycles before).
In other words, Jupiter in the Fifth has been a great relief to a tottering India.
India has been plagued by the rise of Crude ( $87 per barrel), increasing imports (181 b), increasing deficit (55 b) & increasing debt (155 b ) ! Hope there will be many more records before Jupiter leaves Scorpio !