Here Are 2 Things to Help You Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast
Before I get to the two things that can help you get your ex boyfriend fast, there are a few things you should do.
Those things are first, determine if there is a future in the relationships, and second if you truly do want him back.
If you do not truly want him back or you don't think there is a future in the relationship then, you should quit reading now, forget about your ex boyfriend, and move on with your life.
If you are still reading then you really do want your ex back and feel there is a future in the relationship so, let's start with the first thing you should do.
If you have been chasing after your ex boyfriend since the break up, stop it right now.
Chasing after him is only pushing him further away, making it more difficult for you to get him back.
Cut all communication and take a day or two to pull yourself back together.
You need to give the impression that the break up no longer bothers you and also that you can live without your ex.
Whenever you are around anyone that may have contact with your ex be sure you are smiling and at least giving the impression of having a good time.
Actually you should do your best to make sure word gets back to your ex that you are doing fine without him and are having the time of your life.
This will help when you move onto the next step.
Hopefully by now your ex has heard that you have been living it up without them and totally enjoying yourself.
Now go to any and all social events you know your ex will be at or attend, you can even bring a casual date.
If you do bring a date, make sure he knows up front that you are only friends and are not interested in any type of relationship, after all you wouldn't want to be responsible for breaking someone else's heart would you? Also, as a word of caution, do not hang all over your date to make your ex boyfriend jealous or it may back fire and you could lose him for good, just being with another guy will be enough to raise jealousy in your ex.
Engage in casual conversation with your ex but, don't spend a lot of time with him, keep it short, and again casual.
If your ex has any feelings for you at all, this will make him jealous and thus causing him to realize he still wants you in his life, and he still wants to be in your life.
The more events you attend where you bump into him, the longer you let the conversations last.
Now for your bonus tip since you read this far.
After bumping into him three or four times and conversing for longer periods each time, you should have a really good feel for how your ex feels about getting back together.
If you feel he is open and willing to reconcile the relationship then you should make a date with your ex and go some place public where you can sit down and calmly and rationally discuss the problems that caused the break up.
Once you have agreed on what the problems were you should begin discussions on what both of you can do to correct them as well as what each of you can do for each other to make each other happy.
Remember if you want a happy long-lasting relationship both of you will have to be open and honest with each other, and doing little things for each other that makes each of you happy, wouldn't hurt either.
Those things are first, determine if there is a future in the relationships, and second if you truly do want him back.
If you do not truly want him back or you don't think there is a future in the relationship then, you should quit reading now, forget about your ex boyfriend, and move on with your life.
If you are still reading then you really do want your ex back and feel there is a future in the relationship so, let's start with the first thing you should do.
If you have been chasing after your ex boyfriend since the break up, stop it right now.
Chasing after him is only pushing him further away, making it more difficult for you to get him back.
Cut all communication and take a day or two to pull yourself back together.
You need to give the impression that the break up no longer bothers you and also that you can live without your ex.
Whenever you are around anyone that may have contact with your ex be sure you are smiling and at least giving the impression of having a good time.
Actually you should do your best to make sure word gets back to your ex that you are doing fine without him and are having the time of your life.
This will help when you move onto the next step.
Hopefully by now your ex has heard that you have been living it up without them and totally enjoying yourself.
Now go to any and all social events you know your ex will be at or attend, you can even bring a casual date.
If you do bring a date, make sure he knows up front that you are only friends and are not interested in any type of relationship, after all you wouldn't want to be responsible for breaking someone else's heart would you? Also, as a word of caution, do not hang all over your date to make your ex boyfriend jealous or it may back fire and you could lose him for good, just being with another guy will be enough to raise jealousy in your ex.
Engage in casual conversation with your ex but, don't spend a lot of time with him, keep it short, and again casual.
If your ex has any feelings for you at all, this will make him jealous and thus causing him to realize he still wants you in his life, and he still wants to be in your life.
The more events you attend where you bump into him, the longer you let the conversations last.
Now for your bonus tip since you read this far.
After bumping into him three or four times and conversing for longer periods each time, you should have a really good feel for how your ex feels about getting back together.
If you feel he is open and willing to reconcile the relationship then you should make a date with your ex and go some place public where you can sit down and calmly and rationally discuss the problems that caused the break up.
Once you have agreed on what the problems were you should begin discussions on what both of you can do to correct them as well as what each of you can do for each other to make each other happy.
Remember if you want a happy long-lasting relationship both of you will have to be open and honest with each other, and doing little things for each other that makes each of you happy, wouldn't hurt either.