How to Care for a Mini Chrysanthemum Plant
- 1). Choose an area of your yard that receives at least six hours of sunlight and has well-draining soil. Mini chrysanthemum blooms are responsive to short days and long nights; therefore, do not plant them near any nighttime lights such as street lights.
- 2). Conduct a soil pH test on the soil. Chrysanthemums require a pH range around 6.5. Purchase a soil pH testing kit from your local county extension office. Dig a 6-inch hole and collect soil samples. Mail the samples to the laboratory listed on the kit. When the results are returned, add lime to acidic soil or sulfur to alkaline soil as determined by the soil test. Planting chrysanthemums in a pH out of their range will result in unhealthy plants.
- 3). Pick a time in early spring to plant mini chrysanthemums. Dig holes twice the size of their root balls and 18 inches apart. Chrysanthemums need a lot of air circulation to reduce the risk of fungal diseases. Pack the soil tightly around them to reduce air pockets.
- 4). Spread mulch around the area and water thoroughly. Use a balanced fertilizer in the growing season.
- 5). Pinch off the tips up until June to encourage fall blooms. Winterize flower beds if you live in a cold region by spreading a 4-inch layer of mulch. Keep the ground moist until the first frost.