How to Wear a Kippah in Military Uniform
- 1). Ask permission from your commander before wearing your kippah. Mission requirements differ for each commandk and these issues should be addressed with your superior before wearing a kippah with your military uniform.
- 2). Wear your kippah in accordance with Department of Defense Directive 1300.17, which states that a "Jewish yarmulke may be worn with the uniform whenever a military cap, hat or other headgear is not prescribed. A yarmulke may also be worn underneath military headgear as long as it does not interfere with the proper wearing, functioning, or appearance of the prescribed headgear..." For example, a yarmulke may interfere with the proper fitting of a helmet or gas mask, in which case it cannot be worn.
- 3). Choose a conservatively designed kippah that is not "showy in design, size, design, brightness or color," according to Department of Defense Directive 1300.17.