Games for the Care of Puppies & Kittens
- Crossword puzzles are a good way to introduce certain vocabulary to younger children relating to the care of animals. Create puzzles with words like "litter box" or "leash" to incorporate all aspects of the pet's care. Activity sheets can also include games. The child should be able to draw lines, connecting a picture of the animal to its specific food and care items, such as a puppy to a brush.
- A riddle book engages a child to place the correct sticker in answering a question. When one wakes up in the morning, the first thing she should do for the new puppy or kitten would be to feed it and so the child should place food and water bowl stickers on this page. If the new pet is sick, the child should know to place the sticker of a veterinarian on the page.
- This type of game works best in a group setting but can also be accomplished between a child and his parents. Allow the child a few minutes with a stuffed animal toy of a puppy or kitten in which he will decide the pet's name and any other features he anticipates about its personality. As he conducts a "show-and-tell" of his new pet, end by asking him questions regarding various aspects of how he will take care of the pet, including toys it will play with, where it will sleep or how many times it will need to be fed.
- As video games are increasing in popularity, they also offer a way to teach one how to care for pets. Some put children in the position of veterinarian to diagnose pets, treat them and then prepare the animal for adoption. Feedback is given and, as the child progresses, her responsibilities increase.
Paper Games
Riddle Book
Show and Tell
Virtual Games