Dealing With Arthritis Nutritionally
When dealing with arthritis of any kind, the cause is not known definitively.
It is known, however, that almost nearly without exception anyone who suffers with any of the over 100 forms of arthritis will have or develop some food allergy.
Therefore there are a number of foods that are held suspect in dealing with arthritis that traditional medicine has determined occur most often.
They are: sugar caffeine citrus salt red meat dairy products corn flour There are some osteopaths that also recommend that the nightshade family of foods should be eliminated.
They include tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers of all kinds and eggplant.
There are some that say remove gluten entirely from your diet.
The food allergy relationship to arthritis is so individualized that it may take food allergy testing to determine exactly what foods you as an individual need to eliminate.
There are some common things to watch for.
The calcium to phosphorus ratio needs to be watched no matter what you eat.
Phosphorus will increase the loss of calcium from your body.
This is especially dangerous for those who already have arthritis.
With that in mind: ELIMINATE soft drinks of all kinds - they are extremely high in phosporic acid organ meat - this is liver and kidney's they are especially high in phosporic acid processed meat - watch the label - they tend to be high in phosporic acid.
caffeine - it will increase the loss of all minerals and nutrients antacids - this will help neutralize stomach acid but the side effect is it will also result in poor absorption of calcium.
There are many diets out there that claim to be the newest arthritis reversal diets.
Caution is necessary.
What one person is allergic to and has arthritis does not necessarily mean that everyone who has arthritis is allergic too.
Working with a trained nutritionist and your health care team to determine the best diet for you as an individual, ensuring that all the minerals and nutrients necessary are included, is the best solution for anyone looking to make a lifestyle change in diet to assist in treating their arthritis.
It is known, however, that almost nearly without exception anyone who suffers with any of the over 100 forms of arthritis will have or develop some food allergy.
Therefore there are a number of foods that are held suspect in dealing with arthritis that traditional medicine has determined occur most often.
They are: sugar caffeine citrus salt red meat dairy products corn flour There are some osteopaths that also recommend that the nightshade family of foods should be eliminated.
They include tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers of all kinds and eggplant.
There are some that say remove gluten entirely from your diet.
The food allergy relationship to arthritis is so individualized that it may take food allergy testing to determine exactly what foods you as an individual need to eliminate.
There are some common things to watch for.
The calcium to phosphorus ratio needs to be watched no matter what you eat.
Phosphorus will increase the loss of calcium from your body.
This is especially dangerous for those who already have arthritis.
With that in mind: ELIMINATE soft drinks of all kinds - they are extremely high in phosporic acid organ meat - this is liver and kidney's they are especially high in phosporic acid processed meat - watch the label - they tend to be high in phosporic acid.
caffeine - it will increase the loss of all minerals and nutrients antacids - this will help neutralize stomach acid but the side effect is it will also result in poor absorption of calcium.
There are many diets out there that claim to be the newest arthritis reversal diets.
Caution is necessary.
What one person is allergic to and has arthritis does not necessarily mean that everyone who has arthritis is allergic too.
Working with a trained nutritionist and your health care team to determine the best diet for you as an individual, ensuring that all the minerals and nutrients necessary are included, is the best solution for anyone looking to make a lifestyle change in diet to assist in treating their arthritis.