Natural Remedies For Smelly Vaginal Discharge - 3 Top Tips
Vaginal discharge is a normal part of being a women.
However, it should not be excessive or smell bad.
If yours is not clear or white, with a slight musky odor, there may be something not quite right and you may wish to use natural remedies for smelly vaginal discharge to get you back on the road to freshness.
Here are three top tips which you can implement right away.
Avoid Overwashing The first thing most of us do when we have smelly vaginal discharge is to wash repeatedly in the hope of getting rid of the smell.
This is, in fact, one of the worst things you can do as it depletes the vagina of its natural lubricants which normally keep things healthy.
This causes an outbreak of bacterial growth so the rules are, only wash twice a day (no matter how tempting to wash more often!) and do not use perfumed products.
Also, never douche.
Use Your Sanitary Protection Well Always change your protection regularly as even when the flow is light, stale blood can have a surprisingly pungent odor.
Also, remember to take out the last tampon of your period.
Choosing Underwear and Your Secret Anti-Odor Kit Wearing synthetic fabrics can trap in warmth and moisture, creating the perfect conditions for bacterial growth which, in turn, causes smelly vaginal discharge.
Wearing cotton panties can allow the area to "breathe".
You must also avoid tight trousers and pantyhose.
When I had a problem with smelly vaginal odor, I never left the house without my "kit".
I used to keep a ziplock bag in my purse with some moist babywipes, a fresh pair of panties and some thin pant liners.
If the discharge was very bad, I would quickly freshen up and pop on a pad which would absorb the odor.
If needed, I could also change my panties.
There is always a reason for abnormal, smelly vaginal discharge and the most likely cause is the common condition known as bacterial vaginosis.
This is highly likely if your discharge has a slight fishy odor.
If left untreated, BV can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease or even infertility, so prompt treatment is always recommended.
However, it should not be excessive or smell bad.
If yours is not clear or white, with a slight musky odor, there may be something not quite right and you may wish to use natural remedies for smelly vaginal discharge to get you back on the road to freshness.
Here are three top tips which you can implement right away.
Avoid Overwashing The first thing most of us do when we have smelly vaginal discharge is to wash repeatedly in the hope of getting rid of the smell.
This is, in fact, one of the worst things you can do as it depletes the vagina of its natural lubricants which normally keep things healthy.
This causes an outbreak of bacterial growth so the rules are, only wash twice a day (no matter how tempting to wash more often!) and do not use perfumed products.
Also, never douche.
Use Your Sanitary Protection Well Always change your protection regularly as even when the flow is light, stale blood can have a surprisingly pungent odor.
Also, remember to take out the last tampon of your period.
Choosing Underwear and Your Secret Anti-Odor Kit Wearing synthetic fabrics can trap in warmth and moisture, creating the perfect conditions for bacterial growth which, in turn, causes smelly vaginal discharge.
Wearing cotton panties can allow the area to "breathe".
You must also avoid tight trousers and pantyhose.
When I had a problem with smelly vaginal odor, I never left the house without my "kit".
I used to keep a ziplock bag in my purse with some moist babywipes, a fresh pair of panties and some thin pant liners.
If the discharge was very bad, I would quickly freshen up and pop on a pad which would absorb the odor.
If needed, I could also change my panties.
There is always a reason for abnormal, smelly vaginal discharge and the most likely cause is the common condition known as bacterial vaginosis.
This is highly likely if your discharge has a slight fishy odor.
If left untreated, BV can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease or even infertility, so prompt treatment is always recommended.