How to apply for California Unemployment Insurance Online
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Personal Informationamerican & russian documents image by Galina Barskaya from
Gather all of your personal information, such as: your Social Security number, work history, the last date that you worked, the reason for being unemployed, citizenship status, driver's license number or CA State ID number, and your gross income for the last week that you worked starting on Sunday and ending on the last day worked. - 2
Websitehttp, www, icon, web, website image by creative from
Log on to the Internet and go to - 3
Read Informationread image by Ewe Degiampietro from
Read the information provided about EDD, and then press "Continue." Repeat this step for the next page as well. - 4
Answer All Questionsquestion mark 15 image by chrisharvey from
Answer all questions on the page, then press "Continue." - 5
Submitsubmit button image by creative from
Repeat Step 4 until you reach the final page of the application. Review that all of you information is correct, then press "Submit."