Bonsai Tools - 3 Essential Tips to Take Care of Your Bonsai Tools
Growing bonsai trees is not easy.
In fact, it takes years and years of continuous effort and diligence in constant pruning, cutting and re-planting.
To do this most efficiently you need to use the proper bonsai tools.
These tools are specialized for creating beautiful bonsai trees.
They can be quite pricey, so they are not to be chosen lightly.
These special tools are, like most serious hobby require, high quality and are made to last for a long time.
There are proper ways that you can take care of your tools.
Here are three essential tips in taking care of your bonsai tools.
Always, always, always clean your tools.
This cannot be stressed enough.
There is nothing that ruins both the tools and the trees more than tools that have not been cleaned properly, like leaving them with dried sap and other dirt on it.
If you keep your bonsai tools in this condition for too long, you will surely end up ruining them, not to mention you can also damage your trees by using faulty equipment.
The cleaning is best done with the use of regular soap, using warm water to rinse it off.
Make sure to completely dry the tools off and then add a generous coating of WD-40.
After giving it a moment, take a rag and wipe off the excess WD-40.
Do this every after use.
Sharpen your tools often.
When you do not do this, you may end up causing harm to your trees by using inefficient tools.
The best way to do this is use to a good, two sided hand held oil stone, which costs as little as $30.
These flat stones are best for flat shears, but if you have some curved shears, there are also some curved stones available for this.
Keeping your bonsai tools sharp means keeping them effective.
If you have less than a dozen trees, do this once a week.
If you have more than that, then it is best to do this every 2-3 days.
Store your tools in the proper place.
It is best to use a special bag that you can keep them in, just to be sure that it will not accidentally get left outside and be exposed to rain and other elements that will wear it down and make them rust (the worst thing that can happen!).
Rust has the capability to eat into the metal of the shears and damage them forever.
If you store your tools in the proper place, your bonsai tools will never rust, especially if they are of the Master's grade.
Make sure that you take care of your tools so that you can get your money worth from them.
They are not exactly the cheapest thing to come by, especially when all your tools are in the Master's grade.
Clean them properly, sharpen them regularly and keep them in a dry, cool place, and you can be sure that your bonsai tools will last you a lifetime.
In fact, it takes years and years of continuous effort and diligence in constant pruning, cutting and re-planting.
To do this most efficiently you need to use the proper bonsai tools.
These tools are specialized for creating beautiful bonsai trees.
They can be quite pricey, so they are not to be chosen lightly.
These special tools are, like most serious hobby require, high quality and are made to last for a long time.
There are proper ways that you can take care of your tools.
Here are three essential tips in taking care of your bonsai tools.
Always, always, always clean your tools.
This cannot be stressed enough.
There is nothing that ruins both the tools and the trees more than tools that have not been cleaned properly, like leaving them with dried sap and other dirt on it.
If you keep your bonsai tools in this condition for too long, you will surely end up ruining them, not to mention you can also damage your trees by using faulty equipment.
The cleaning is best done with the use of regular soap, using warm water to rinse it off.
Make sure to completely dry the tools off and then add a generous coating of WD-40.
After giving it a moment, take a rag and wipe off the excess WD-40.
Do this every after use.
Sharpen your tools often.
When you do not do this, you may end up causing harm to your trees by using inefficient tools.
The best way to do this is use to a good, two sided hand held oil stone, which costs as little as $30.
These flat stones are best for flat shears, but if you have some curved shears, there are also some curved stones available for this.
Keeping your bonsai tools sharp means keeping them effective.
If you have less than a dozen trees, do this once a week.
If you have more than that, then it is best to do this every 2-3 days.
Store your tools in the proper place.
It is best to use a special bag that you can keep them in, just to be sure that it will not accidentally get left outside and be exposed to rain and other elements that will wear it down and make them rust (the worst thing that can happen!).
Rust has the capability to eat into the metal of the shears and damage them forever.
If you store your tools in the proper place, your bonsai tools will never rust, especially if they are of the Master's grade.
Make sure that you take care of your tools so that you can get your money worth from them.
They are not exactly the cheapest thing to come by, especially when all your tools are in the Master's grade.
Clean them properly, sharpen them regularly and keep them in a dry, cool place, and you can be sure that your bonsai tools will last you a lifetime.