How to Make the First Move
Do you want to be more aggressive and pursue that guy you like? Do you want to make the first move but don't want to appear too desperate? Do you want to initiate contact but are afraid of rejection? Take it easy.
It's not that hard to make the first move.
These days, it is perfectly okay for women to ask men out.
If you play it smooth, you just might reel in Mr.
Here are some tips.
Use email.
This way, you can dodge the often intimidating face to face proposition and nervous phone calls.
Emails give you time to edit your thoughts down until your note is simple, sweet, and not desperate-sounding.
You can also show off your witty side.
Keep the email light and informal.
There's no need to profess your undying admiration.
Just ask if he would like to maybe go out some time, and wait for his reply.
Suggest - never push.
If you find yourself in a party and you see the guy you like, say something like, "I hope you know I plan to have fun dancing tonight, hopefully with you.
" If the guy is interested, he will ask you to dance and make all the next moves.
Sometimes, all guys need is the assurance that you will not shoot them down.
Don't ask for his number - instead, "exchange" numbers.
It can be too daunting to say, "Can I have your number?" to a man.
It certainly seems unnatural.
So, try a different line.
This sounds better: "Maybe we should exchange numbers so we can go out one of these days.
What do you think?" 4.
Don't ask him out while you're drunk.
Those tequila shots may clam your nerves, but they won't make you look attractive.
Just summon your inner goddess, believe that his jaw will drop when you walk up to him, and go right ahead.
Men like sober girls!
It's not that hard to make the first move.
These days, it is perfectly okay for women to ask men out.
If you play it smooth, you just might reel in Mr.
Here are some tips.
Use email.
This way, you can dodge the often intimidating face to face proposition and nervous phone calls.
Emails give you time to edit your thoughts down until your note is simple, sweet, and not desperate-sounding.
You can also show off your witty side.
Keep the email light and informal.
There's no need to profess your undying admiration.
Just ask if he would like to maybe go out some time, and wait for his reply.
Suggest - never push.
If you find yourself in a party and you see the guy you like, say something like, "I hope you know I plan to have fun dancing tonight, hopefully with you.
" If the guy is interested, he will ask you to dance and make all the next moves.
Sometimes, all guys need is the assurance that you will not shoot them down.
Don't ask for his number - instead, "exchange" numbers.
It can be too daunting to say, "Can I have your number?" to a man.
It certainly seems unnatural.
So, try a different line.
This sounds better: "Maybe we should exchange numbers so we can go out one of these days.
What do you think?" 4.
Don't ask him out while you're drunk.
Those tequila shots may clam your nerves, but they won't make you look attractive.
Just summon your inner goddess, believe that his jaw will drop when you walk up to him, and go right ahead.
Men like sober girls!