The Best Fertilizers for Floratam
- Floratam St. Augustine grass is the most commonly used lawn grass in Florida.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Floratam is a variety of St. Augustine grass developed as a joint project of the University of Florida and Texas A&M University Agriculture Experiment Stations in 1972. The grass is not as cold hardy as other varieties of St. Augustine grass and does not tolerate full shade, but grows well in filtered sunlight. Floratam is resistant to brown patch disease. The grass makes excellent lawns in the temperate climate of Florida and southern regions of the Gulf states, including Texas. Proper fertilization keeps Floratam grass green and robust. - Floratam is initially planted in late fall or spring, using either 3- or 4-inch plugs cut from sod or planting sod sections side-by-side to make a solid grass mat. Once planted, fertilization is crucial to help the grass grow and spread into a solid carpet. Use a slow-release commercial starter preparation such as 19-5-9, following package directions. Water the grass after applying the fertilizer. Phosphorous fertilizers enhance the ability of the newly planted Floratam St. Augustine grass to spread.
- Use a slow-release nitrogen-rich fertilizer on Floratam grass regularly. The first number on the bag of commercial fertilizer is the amount of nitrogen. The fertilizer's nitrogen should be at a proportion of 1/2 lb. quick-release to 1 lb. slow-release nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn. The second number on the fertilizer is phosphorous, which many Floratam St. Augustine grasses may need in only small amounts, if at all. A soil analysis can determine if your soil has enough phosphorus available. The third number on the bag is potassium, which aids the grass in root growth, cold and drought tolerance. This should be the same or slightly lower than the nitrogen (first) number. For example, choose a 15-0-15 fertilizer for Floratam growing in soil that has plenty of phosphorous, or a 15-2-15 fertilizer for grass that needs just a sip of phosphorous. Use less fertilizer on grass growing in partial to full shade.
- Because Floratam is not as winter hardy as other varieties of St. Augustine grass, a pre-winter fertilization in the fall is necessary to keep the grass healthy. Use a commercial preparation specifically formulated for winterizing tender grasses. Look for a fertilizer that has a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio. Apply the fertilizer in October in areas where the grass may suffer from either cold winter weather or dry winter conditions.
Starter Fertilizer
Regular Fertilization Program
Special Fertilizer for Winter