The "Virgin Solution" Will Bring Peace To The Middle East
Background: Including today's crises involving Westerners, Israel, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (also known as [aka] ISIS) - as well as the terrorist Islamic Resistance Movement (aka Hamas), fighting over a strip of land slightly larger than Washington, D.
- the battle between Christians, Jews, and Muslims has raged since 1095.
In that year, Pope Urban II raised the combat level from a "Just War" to a "Holy War," focused on Islam practitioners.
In actuality, the conflict since the 11th Century has not decreased at all.
As a matter of fact, it has gotten considerably worse and more deadly.
Even more alarming, 10 centuries later it not only involves combatants but also the slaughter of innocents - including women and children.
The chief cause of war in the Middle East may be attributed directly to Islam, and the radical adherence of its practitioners to its mandates and directions.
Aiding and abetting in the death and destruction preached by Islam's "Bible," the Quran, is another sinister offshoot of this combination religion and philosophical dogma: It removes from its followers any responsibility for actions they take, beliefs they hold, or words they utter.
Fundamentalist Muslims justify everything they do by hiding behind the term "Insha'Allah," which translates to, "This is what Allah wishes me to do.
" Obviously, the ways Westerners, Jews, and Arabs think and act are worlds apart.
Israel and America rejoice in life and living.
Arabs rejoice in death and becoming martyrs.
True Muslims pin all their hopes on the "after-life.
" Martyrdom: Martyrs in Islam are the ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah Almighty for a good cause on the battlefield or in an "operation.
" As the Quran dictates in verse 3:169-171, "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead.
Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord.
They rejoice in the Bounty provided by Allah; and, with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is not fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve.
They glory in the Grace and Bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the faithful to be lost (in the least).
" The 72 Virgins: Nothing in the Quran specifically states the "faithful" are allotted 72 virgins apiece.
Instead, one must turn to the Hadith, that contains traditional sayings traced with varying degrees of credibility to Muhammad.
Hadith number 2,562 - in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi - reads, "The least (reward) for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives (virgins), over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine, and ruby.
" Time and time again - in dozens of articles published in the Middle East and Western countries - Islamo-terrorist combatants reveal desires to sacrifice their lives serving Allah in hopes of earning their 72 comely maidens.
In fact, they often boast about arriving at their concept of the "holy here-after" and living out their days in splendor, satisfying every sexual fantasy about which they have dreamed.
The Mathematics Of Terrorism: According to the U.
Congressional Budget Office, the price of our various global wars from now until Fiscal Year 2015 - even if troop levels fall from 180,000 to 45,000 - could be $496 billion.
If these levels hold true until 2021, war costs would total $1.
8 trillion.
Hence, the underlying justification for "The Virgin Solution.
" • Computing Global Number of Islamic Terrorists: Islam boasts 1.
570 billion adherents - 40% of whom are male - and, if we conservatively assume only.
0005% are radicals, that means we have a possible terrorist base of 211,400.
If each is to receive 72 virgins, we will need approximately 15,220,800 virgins.
• Computing Global Number of Virgins: According to the U.
Central Intelligence Agency "World Facts Book," the number of females ages 18 to 24 is 2,066,864,970, rounded to 2 billion for simplicity's sake.
Global statistics for this age group estimate that 11% would be virgins - or an approximate total of 250 million - which more than covers the amount our terrorist base would require.
• Computing The Cost Of A Virgin: It's difficult to put a definitive number on this group, but let's assume $25,000 annually as a fair number...
since she is sharing work-load and responsibilities with 71 "sisters.
" • Applying The Virgin Solution: Based on the above calculations, if we provide each of the 211,400 terrorists with 72 virgins - and thereby eliminate the major underlying motive for martyrdom - it would cost only $380,520,000, and result in an overall savings of more than $495 billion, globally.
In Conclusion: If the United States and its allies were, indeed, seriously committed to ensuring long-term peace in the Middle East, we immediately should begin rounding up virgins wherever we can find them.
Just imagine the money nations would save, the high-paying job opportunities that would become available for a decidedly difficult-to-place labor force, and the immediate decrease in terrorist violence on global levels.
However, we must act quickly! As recently reported in the Mainstream Media, volcanoes once again are coming to life in the Pacific Islands, and Hawaiians soon will be on the prowl for sacrificial maidens, thus competing with our anti-terrorist strategy.
The time is at hand! -End-
- the battle between Christians, Jews, and Muslims has raged since 1095.
In that year, Pope Urban II raised the combat level from a "Just War" to a "Holy War," focused on Islam practitioners.
In actuality, the conflict since the 11th Century has not decreased at all.
As a matter of fact, it has gotten considerably worse and more deadly.
Even more alarming, 10 centuries later it not only involves combatants but also the slaughter of innocents - including women and children.
The chief cause of war in the Middle East may be attributed directly to Islam, and the radical adherence of its practitioners to its mandates and directions.
Aiding and abetting in the death and destruction preached by Islam's "Bible," the Quran, is another sinister offshoot of this combination religion and philosophical dogma: It removes from its followers any responsibility for actions they take, beliefs they hold, or words they utter.
Fundamentalist Muslims justify everything they do by hiding behind the term "Insha'Allah," which translates to, "This is what Allah wishes me to do.
" Obviously, the ways Westerners, Jews, and Arabs think and act are worlds apart.
Israel and America rejoice in life and living.
Arabs rejoice in death and becoming martyrs.
True Muslims pin all their hopes on the "after-life.
" Martyrdom: Martyrs in Islam are the ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah Almighty for a good cause on the battlefield or in an "operation.
" As the Quran dictates in verse 3:169-171, "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead.
Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord.
They rejoice in the Bounty provided by Allah; and, with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is not fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve.
They glory in the Grace and Bounty from Allah, and in the fact that Allah suffereth not the reward of the faithful to be lost (in the least).
" The 72 Virgins: Nothing in the Quran specifically states the "faithful" are allotted 72 virgins apiece.
Instead, one must turn to the Hadith, that contains traditional sayings traced with varying degrees of credibility to Muhammad.
Hadith number 2,562 - in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi - reads, "The least (reward) for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives (virgins), over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine, and ruby.
" Time and time again - in dozens of articles published in the Middle East and Western countries - Islamo-terrorist combatants reveal desires to sacrifice their lives serving Allah in hopes of earning their 72 comely maidens.
In fact, they often boast about arriving at their concept of the "holy here-after" and living out their days in splendor, satisfying every sexual fantasy about which they have dreamed.
The Mathematics Of Terrorism: According to the U.
Congressional Budget Office, the price of our various global wars from now until Fiscal Year 2015 - even if troop levels fall from 180,000 to 45,000 - could be $496 billion.
If these levels hold true until 2021, war costs would total $1.
8 trillion.
Hence, the underlying justification for "The Virgin Solution.
" • Computing Global Number of Islamic Terrorists: Islam boasts 1.
570 billion adherents - 40% of whom are male - and, if we conservatively assume only.
0005% are radicals, that means we have a possible terrorist base of 211,400.
If each is to receive 72 virgins, we will need approximately 15,220,800 virgins.
• Computing Global Number of Virgins: According to the U.
Central Intelligence Agency "World Facts Book," the number of females ages 18 to 24 is 2,066,864,970, rounded to 2 billion for simplicity's sake.
Global statistics for this age group estimate that 11% would be virgins - or an approximate total of 250 million - which more than covers the amount our terrorist base would require.
• Computing The Cost Of A Virgin: It's difficult to put a definitive number on this group, but let's assume $25,000 annually as a fair number...
since she is sharing work-load and responsibilities with 71 "sisters.
" • Applying The Virgin Solution: Based on the above calculations, if we provide each of the 211,400 terrorists with 72 virgins - and thereby eliminate the major underlying motive for martyrdom - it would cost only $380,520,000, and result in an overall savings of more than $495 billion, globally.
In Conclusion: If the United States and its allies were, indeed, seriously committed to ensuring long-term peace in the Middle East, we immediately should begin rounding up virgins wherever we can find them.
Just imagine the money nations would save, the high-paying job opportunities that would become available for a decidedly difficult-to-place labor force, and the immediate decrease in terrorist violence on global levels.
However, we must act quickly! As recently reported in the Mainstream Media, volcanoes once again are coming to life in the Pacific Islands, and Hawaiians soon will be on the prowl for sacrificial maidens, thus competing with our anti-terrorist strategy.
The time is at hand! -End-