Landscape Picture Ideas
- The contrast of water in motion to solid rock makes an interesting landscape.marine landscapes image by Albert Lozano from
One of the most inspiration and relaxing methods of painting is to gather your materials and head out into the great outdoors to find the perfect landscape to paint. It is true that you can take a camera and photograph potential subjects and in some cases this is the only way possible. A bird will only stay still for so long. If you want a detailed representation of that bird a photo back up is great. Most times it is possible to find a comfortable spot with a great view and paint away. - The crashing of waves on rocks slinging up droplets of fine mist or the fingers of the tide creeping up on a sandy beach both make excellent seascape subjects. Sometimes you can catch both in the same painting, depending of the topography of your chosen spot. If you come early in the morning the colors tend to be softer, more muted. At sunset, the colors of the sky can be reflected in the water. Though in seascapes the motion of the water is usually the main focus, painting in lighthouses, boats and people can add interest.
- Snow can be one of the most difficult subjects to paint. Yes, snow is white, but that white is influenced by shadows and forms surrounding it. When out looking for landscape ideas in the snow, look for trees with interesting shapes. Those that have lost their leaves have intricate branches that can add interest to a painting. Evergreens add color and contrast. Look around for animal tracks and see the different colors they bring out in the snow. Sometimes adding man-made objects such as bird feeders or bird houses to a landscape makes a more interesting painting. Consider adding a bird or two.
- The skyline of a city is a landscape created by the human mind and hand. Sometimes cityscapes are called urban landscapes. The array of buildings, light posts and signage inspires not only realistic style paintings, but interesting abstracts as well. It is up to the individual artist whether to add people, animals, cars or other objects to a cityscape painting. Night time cityscapes bring out the greater contrast of bright city lights to the inky black of hidden alleys.