Unexpected Reasons Why Weight Loss Fails
You are determined to lose weight this time. You have followed the rules by avoiding the fast food quick stops and you honestly believe you have put forth your best effort but still you are not shedding pounds.
This dilemma could have a number of explanations. You may just have to make a few simple adjustments to get back on track.
1.Falling Off the Wagon?
Something is going to happen that will throw you off schedule,and you
will blow your diet. Ok, we are all human. Just pick yourself up and
start over the next day. Going off track one day is not an excuse to
think you have failed and give up completely.
2.Not eating enough
Your metabolism is tricky and there is not much you can do about
it...just understand it. If you eat too much, it won't be able to burn all the calories you have thrown at it and you will gain weight.If you eat too little, it will think your throat has been cut and go into starvation mode to save you. Your weight loss will go into crawl mode.It is vital to eat sufficient quanities of the good foods as you cut back on the bad stuff.
Giving yourself a little of what you really love to eat is ok. Staying away from everything you like to eat will cause you to feel deprived and may send you on a binge and then the next day you hate yourself. You have to have a certain level of satisfaction which you get by eating things that make you feel good. Giving yourself a little of what you crave now may actually help you make better choses later.
4.Taking Certain Medications
If you have health problems, certain prescription drugs may slow down
your weight loss. Certain drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis cause water retention and stimulate the appetite. Check with your doctor for suggestions. Sometimes increasing exercise helps.
5.Invisible Eating
The extra pretzel, the candy in your purse, the foods with the gravy. The sampling as you prepare dinner? They all add up.
6. The Devil Moods
Your emotional state can do a number on your dieting efforts if you let it. If you find yourself snacking more, do a mood check and really figure out how you can improve matters without using food as your crutch.
7.Portion Size
Without be fanatical, try to develope a sense of what a portion size
is.What is half a cup of ice cream, or a serving of meat or spaghetti. A serving of meat is about the size of the palm of your hand. A half to one cup of spaghetti does not cover the entire plate.
8.Clean Plate Club
Remember that? Some habits die hard. Ya, blame your mother. But
seriously, its hard to get over the notion of leaving food behind,
especially when you paid for it in a restaurant. But eating until you can see the design on the bottom of the plate is probably way too much food for the diet you are on.
9.Don't Combine Fat and Sugar
Two bad dudes together. If you have to have a treat, don't eat the
combination of fat and sugar...something like cheesecake. Your waistline will balloon.Your body releases insulin when the sugar hits your bloodstream. That insulin causes your fat cells to open and the fat in the cheesecake goes right into storage and right to your waistline. If you are concerned about belly fat, don't eat those two guys together.
10.Eating to Please Another Person
Learn how to refuse the,"have some, you'll love it" remark. What about when your husband wants you to share a pizza and a beer? It's not easy to say no and you don't have to ALL the time but eat in moderation when you do comply. For your weight sakes, learn how to say no.
Its difficult living in this fat world especially when you want to be
thin. Watch out for the diet saboteurs and whatever you do don't say you are on a diet. Diet sounds like deprivation and you're setting yourself up for failure with that attitude. Tell yourself you are just making a healthy lifestyle change.
This dilemma could have a number of explanations. You may just have to make a few simple adjustments to get back on track.
1.Falling Off the Wagon?
Something is going to happen that will throw you off schedule,and you
will blow your diet. Ok, we are all human. Just pick yourself up and
start over the next day. Going off track one day is not an excuse to
think you have failed and give up completely.
2.Not eating enough
Your metabolism is tricky and there is not much you can do about
it...just understand it. If you eat too much, it won't be able to burn all the calories you have thrown at it and you will gain weight.If you eat too little, it will think your throat has been cut and go into starvation mode to save you. Your weight loss will go into crawl mode.It is vital to eat sufficient quanities of the good foods as you cut back on the bad stuff.
Giving yourself a little of what you really love to eat is ok. Staying away from everything you like to eat will cause you to feel deprived and may send you on a binge and then the next day you hate yourself. You have to have a certain level of satisfaction which you get by eating things that make you feel good. Giving yourself a little of what you crave now may actually help you make better choses later.
4.Taking Certain Medications
If you have health problems, certain prescription drugs may slow down
your weight loss. Certain drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis cause water retention and stimulate the appetite. Check with your doctor for suggestions. Sometimes increasing exercise helps.
5.Invisible Eating
The extra pretzel, the candy in your purse, the foods with the gravy. The sampling as you prepare dinner? They all add up.
6. The Devil Moods
Your emotional state can do a number on your dieting efforts if you let it. If you find yourself snacking more, do a mood check and really figure out how you can improve matters without using food as your crutch.
7.Portion Size
Without be fanatical, try to develope a sense of what a portion size
is.What is half a cup of ice cream, or a serving of meat or spaghetti. A serving of meat is about the size of the palm of your hand. A half to one cup of spaghetti does not cover the entire plate.
8.Clean Plate Club
Remember that? Some habits die hard. Ya, blame your mother. But
seriously, its hard to get over the notion of leaving food behind,
especially when you paid for it in a restaurant. But eating until you can see the design on the bottom of the plate is probably way too much food for the diet you are on.
9.Don't Combine Fat and Sugar
Two bad dudes together. If you have to have a treat, don't eat the
combination of fat and sugar...something like cheesecake. Your waistline will balloon.Your body releases insulin when the sugar hits your bloodstream. That insulin causes your fat cells to open and the fat in the cheesecake goes right into storage and right to your waistline. If you are concerned about belly fat, don't eat those two guys together.
10.Eating to Please Another Person
Learn how to refuse the,"have some, you'll love it" remark. What about when your husband wants you to share a pizza and a beer? It's not easy to say no and you don't have to ALL the time but eat in moderation when you do comply. For your weight sakes, learn how to say no.
Its difficult living in this fat world especially when you want to be
thin. Watch out for the diet saboteurs and whatever you do don't say you are on a diet. Diet sounds like deprivation and you're setting yourself up for failure with that attitude. Tell yourself you are just making a healthy lifestyle change.