Get Your Puppy Used to Being Handled
Your puppy will have to be handled several times during grooming sessions, routine checks at the vet and also at social occasions.
Therefore, getting your puppy accustomed to being handled is a vital part of housebreaking and socialization.
Puppies as a rule tend to be very frisky and get restless when handled.
But if you know exactly how to go about it, getting your puppy used to being handled won't be as daunting as you think it is.
To begin with you should set aside 5 minutes each day to handle your puppy and examine him.
Handling your puppy also doubles up as a health examination.
Keep food treats handy to give your pet to distract his attention and allow you to handle him.
Select a peaceful area of your home and begin by lightly touching his head.
Give him a treat and then shift your attention to his mouth.
Touch his mouth for a second and then move on slowly to the rest of his torso.
Check his ears, between his paws and give him a belly rub.
Offer him a treat each time you touch a different part of his anatomy.
Once your dog gets used to being handled you can take things to the next level.
Brush his coat, clean his teeth and clip his nails.
This way your dog will get accustomed to being groomed and will even begin to enjoy it.
However there may be times when your dog will have to be handled by others like vets, groomers etc.
Therefore it's a good idea to host puppy parties and invite people your pup normally doesn't come into contact with.
Get them to begin handling your pup while you are in the vicinity.
Let them begin by patting him and touching his head and paws.
Hold as many puppy parties as you can so that your puppy gets used to being handled by strangers.
If your puppy lets himself get handled without a fuss, lavish a lot of praise and affection on him.
This way he'll associate being handled with good things that happen to him and will welcome it the next time.
If at all you find your puppy looking uncomfortable or ill at ease while you or someone else is handling him, stop what you're doing, distract him by playing with him and try again the next day.
Always ensure that you make handling a positive exercise and don't grab your pup roughly or subject him to rough handling.
Children tend to be unpredictable in their behavior and some will be overly rough with him.
If your puppy is used to being handled, he will not react aggressively but instead be more accepting of this kind of behavior.
However, refrain from subjecting your puppy to extremely harsh handling.
This will only confuse him and make him avoid getting handled altogether.
Getting your puppy used to being handled is an important part of the socialization process.
Over a period of time you'll have a puppy that is tolerant of all kinds of handling as long as it is within acceptable limits.
Therefore, getting your puppy accustomed to being handled is a vital part of housebreaking and socialization.
Puppies as a rule tend to be very frisky and get restless when handled.
But if you know exactly how to go about it, getting your puppy used to being handled won't be as daunting as you think it is.
To begin with you should set aside 5 minutes each day to handle your puppy and examine him.
Handling your puppy also doubles up as a health examination.
Keep food treats handy to give your pet to distract his attention and allow you to handle him.
Select a peaceful area of your home and begin by lightly touching his head.
Give him a treat and then shift your attention to his mouth.
Touch his mouth for a second and then move on slowly to the rest of his torso.
Check his ears, between his paws and give him a belly rub.
Offer him a treat each time you touch a different part of his anatomy.
Once your dog gets used to being handled you can take things to the next level.
Brush his coat, clean his teeth and clip his nails.
This way your dog will get accustomed to being groomed and will even begin to enjoy it.
However there may be times when your dog will have to be handled by others like vets, groomers etc.
Therefore it's a good idea to host puppy parties and invite people your pup normally doesn't come into contact with.
Get them to begin handling your pup while you are in the vicinity.
Let them begin by patting him and touching his head and paws.
Hold as many puppy parties as you can so that your puppy gets used to being handled by strangers.
If your puppy lets himself get handled without a fuss, lavish a lot of praise and affection on him.
This way he'll associate being handled with good things that happen to him and will welcome it the next time.
If at all you find your puppy looking uncomfortable or ill at ease while you or someone else is handling him, stop what you're doing, distract him by playing with him and try again the next day.
Always ensure that you make handling a positive exercise and don't grab your pup roughly or subject him to rough handling.
Children tend to be unpredictable in their behavior and some will be overly rough with him.
If your puppy is used to being handled, he will not react aggressively but instead be more accepting of this kind of behavior.
However, refrain from subjecting your puppy to extremely harsh handling.
This will only confuse him and make him avoid getting handled altogether.
Getting your puppy used to being handled is an important part of the socialization process.
Over a period of time you'll have a puppy that is tolerant of all kinds of handling as long as it is within acceptable limits.