Bellevue Chiropractor - Chiropractic Care for Construction Workers
Strenuous physical activities involved in ones profession can definitely take its toll eventually to the individual. The hard labor entailed in the completion of a construction project such as loading and unloading of construction equipment, handling some awkward and repetitive manual tasks that involve bending, climbing, lifting can definitely cause tremendous strain on the back.
These plus the need to work on heights demand that the construction worker be on top shape and have proper balance at all times. Chiropractic care can help individuals achieve this. As a Bellevue Chiropractor [], I specifically offer services designed to address such cases.
Through chiropractic care, the spine is manipulated using hands on adjustment aimed at achieving proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure. Through this the body restores its natural ability to heal itself thereby providing further relief to the patient. The work conditions and activities of a construction worker can cause tissue injury and with chiropractic care, the mobility of the joints is restored.
There are various treatments available for cases of back pains caused by such strenuous activities involved in the job of a construction worker. Active release, cold laser, a spinal decompression flexion table and massage treatment are just some of the techniques to choose from.
Back conditions brought by stress, repetitive motion or general overuse of joints may be addressed by active release techniques. By working on the nerve, muscle and tissues around the affected area, this technique can alleviate the pain and help the patient go back to his normal activities.
Cold laser treatment is done through penetration underneath the skin's surface thereby increasing cellular metabolism. As a result, adhesions between the soft tissues are eliminated allowing full movement of the affected area once again.
Spinal decompression, on the other hand, is done by the use of inverted force of the patient's body. The pull force coming from the weight of the patient upper body and created with the inverted position will naturally forces the spine to decompress and helps the vertebra to align back into its place. As a Bellevue Chiropractor, I offer such services which you can check online.
These plus the need to work on heights demand that the construction worker be on top shape and have proper balance at all times. Chiropractic care can help individuals achieve this. As a Bellevue Chiropractor [], I specifically offer services designed to address such cases.
Through chiropractic care, the spine is manipulated using hands on adjustment aimed at achieving proper alignment of the body's musculoskeletal structure. Through this the body restores its natural ability to heal itself thereby providing further relief to the patient. The work conditions and activities of a construction worker can cause tissue injury and with chiropractic care, the mobility of the joints is restored.
There are various treatments available for cases of back pains caused by such strenuous activities involved in the job of a construction worker. Active release, cold laser, a spinal decompression flexion table and massage treatment are just some of the techniques to choose from.
Back conditions brought by stress, repetitive motion or general overuse of joints may be addressed by active release techniques. By working on the nerve, muscle and tissues around the affected area, this technique can alleviate the pain and help the patient go back to his normal activities.
Cold laser treatment is done through penetration underneath the skin's surface thereby increasing cellular metabolism. As a result, adhesions between the soft tissues are eliminated allowing full movement of the affected area once again.
Spinal decompression, on the other hand, is done by the use of inverted force of the patient's body. The pull force coming from the weight of the patient upper body and created with the inverted position will naturally forces the spine to decompress and helps the vertebra to align back into its place. As a Bellevue Chiropractor, I offer such services which you can check online.