How Long Can a Spouse Collect Alimony in California?
- Spousal support orders are terminated if either party dies or if the person receiving support gets remarried or registers a new domestic partnership.
- In cases with no children, spousal support can be terminated if the party receiving support acquires a new estate (including income) sufficient for the person's support.
- If the supported party lives with a person of the opposite sex, the order for support can be modified or terminated.
- Upon either party's conviction of attempted murder of the other, the "injured party" isn't required to pay spousal support or medical, life or other insurance payments.
- If either party is convicted of domestic violence five years before (or anytime after) dissolution, the abusive spouse won't be awarded spousal support.
- If a child support order is terminated because the child turned 18 or graduated from high school, the spousal support order could be modified or terminated.
Death or Remarriage
Acquiring New Estate
Attempted Murder
Domestic Violence Conviction
Termination of Child Support