Audio Breathing Exercises
- Audio breathing exercises guide you to increase your vitality and induce calmEcoute la musique image by Christophe Schmid from
Audio breathing exercises are a great help to relax your mind and body because, unlike written exercises, soothing voices guide you step by step, focusing you exclusively upon important aspects of your breathing. According to Edmund Bourne's "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook," using these exercises you can reduce your overall anxiety, prevent accumulating stress, increase your energy, improve your concentration, reduce various physical problems such as pain and even increase your self-confidence. - Choose from a variety of deep breathing exercises available online to help you learn how to breathe away your tensions and anxiety. Typically, these exercises help you focus on different parts of your body, guiding you to breathe, not only into your lungs, but into your feet, hips, shoulders, arms, hands, jaws, neck and almost every part of you.
Deep breathing exercises keep you mindful and alert, yet train you to relax your muscles. They are conceived to release relaxation responses deep within your body. Eight free sample audio files to facilitate deep breathing are offered from the counseling services at Kansas State University. These are short exercises, but the goal is for you to experience each one as fully as possible. - These breathing exercises help you confine your breath to your belly by decreasing the movement of your rib cage and increasing the activity of your diaphragm. This is the type of breathing associated with deep sleep, and it is used frequently by babies and young children to relax.
To avoid hyperventilation, it is best to maintain an optimal breathing rate of about four to six breaths per minute. To achieve this, you can make a brief pause after you exhale. Other techniques include extending your exhale so that it takes more time (three times as long) than your inhale.
Audio breathing exercises guide you in the moment to remember and practice these new techniques. Free audio files on diaphragm breathing can be found at Tureya Yoga. - These Yogic breathing exercises help you take conscious control over your breath. By sensitizing and harmonizing your breathing, Pranayama exercises (pranayama comes from the Sanskrit word "prana" meaning breath, and "yama," its cessation) calm the nervous system and stabilize your entire organism. They also promote mental wellness and overall balance.
Special techniques such as closing one nostril, or imitating the sound of a bee, open and activate three breathing areas in your body, quieting your mind and vitalizing the energy flow in your body.
You can download free Pranayama audio MP3s of various breathing exercises at Yoga Pranayama.
Deep Breathing Exercises
Diaphragm Breathing Exercises
Pranayama Breathing Exercises