Does He Like Me? Here Are Some Really Interesting Tips Which Will Show You If He Likes You Or Not
Imagine a college guy looking, no, gaping at the car he longs to buy.
Now imagine him looking at the rusty old pick-up truck Grandpa is proudly showing him.
Can you picture the difference in his reaction? In just about the same way, a guy will show quite a difference in the way he acts and behaves when he truly likes a girl and when he's simply being polite.
There is a look of sincere longing in his eyes.
A guy will glance at you, gaze at you, stare at you and he will keep on looking until he has you.
That is, if he likes you.
Like a beautiful car on display, he will try to take in every minute detail from every angle so he can imagine you and admire you as he lies down in bed.
He can't get enough of you.
Like a guy who keeps going back to the shop window, a guy who likes you will always grab the chance to admire you.
You might bump onto him a lot, even in the most unlikely places, and he seems to be where you are.
He would do just about anything to win you.
A guy who wants a car so badly will save every penny, even working 2 or 3 jobs if he can.
In the same way, the man who likes you a lot will try to impress you and make you happy so he can win your approval.
He wants to find out more about you.
Ask a guy about his dream car and he will be able to tell you exactly what engine it has, how fast it can go, etc.
In the same way, a guy who likes you will do his homework - he will observe and ask around about you.
He will show you off to his friends.
A guy who likes you will probably tell his friends what a great girl you are - he would seek their approval and they, too, will check you out to see if he is right in admiring you.
He is protective of his quarry.
When there are other guys around, he will become jealous.
A guy who is eyeing a particular car will feel very uncomfortable when others seem to show the same interest and admiration for it.
He is happy around you.
You will notice that when a guy likes you, he has this special glow and pride just being there with you.
Now imagine him looking at the rusty old pick-up truck Grandpa is proudly showing him.
Can you picture the difference in his reaction? In just about the same way, a guy will show quite a difference in the way he acts and behaves when he truly likes a girl and when he's simply being polite.
There is a look of sincere longing in his eyes.
A guy will glance at you, gaze at you, stare at you and he will keep on looking until he has you.
That is, if he likes you.
Like a beautiful car on display, he will try to take in every minute detail from every angle so he can imagine you and admire you as he lies down in bed.
He can't get enough of you.
Like a guy who keeps going back to the shop window, a guy who likes you will always grab the chance to admire you.
You might bump onto him a lot, even in the most unlikely places, and he seems to be where you are.
He would do just about anything to win you.
A guy who wants a car so badly will save every penny, even working 2 or 3 jobs if he can.
In the same way, the man who likes you a lot will try to impress you and make you happy so he can win your approval.
He wants to find out more about you.
Ask a guy about his dream car and he will be able to tell you exactly what engine it has, how fast it can go, etc.
In the same way, a guy who likes you will do his homework - he will observe and ask around about you.
He will show you off to his friends.
A guy who likes you will probably tell his friends what a great girl you are - he would seek their approval and they, too, will check you out to see if he is right in admiring you.
He is protective of his quarry.
When there are other guys around, he will become jealous.
A guy who is eyeing a particular car will feel very uncomfortable when others seem to show the same interest and admiration for it.
He is happy around you.
You will notice that when a guy likes you, he has this special glow and pride just being there with you.