Public Speaking - "Picture Them Naked" And Other Stupid Ways To Get Over A Fear Of Public
Nervous first-time public speakers have long been told a number of "creative" ways to help them get past the fear of public speaking.
As a speech coach, communication consultant, and a professional speaker myself, I can tell you these creative bits of advice designed to help you get over being scared are not only stupid, but will likely hurt you and make you feel worse.
In no particular order, here are the three most common-- and stupidest --ways people say to get past feeling nervous.
When you hear these, run from the other person and DO NOT TAKE ANY ADVICE FROM THEM!!! (sorry to yell).
"Picture them naked.
" This seemingly pornographic advice refers to imagining your audience in some position that lowers their perceived power.
Other variations on this theme include, "Picture them in their underwear" and "picture them on the toilet.
"To all of these (and especially that last one about the loo), I say, "Ew.
"And how distracting!Not only do you have to remember your speech but now you have to visualize people in unflatteringpositions?No thank you.
What's better?Visualize yourself delivering your speech calmly and confidently.
And as for what to do with your audience?Look at them as people interested in hearing what you have to say and strive to make a connection with them.
"Instead of making eye contact look at their foreheads/chin.
" Or "Look at the back of the room.
"(Really?)People do notice if you're not looking them in the eye.
Unless you are in a large auditorium on a stage far removed from the audience, people will be able to tell if you are avoiding eye contact.
And then they will not trust you and you will lose rapport quickly.
Find people who seem genuinely interested in your presentation and speak to each one individually during your speech.
"Start off with a joke.
" Only start your presentation with a joke if you are a priest delivering your Sunday homily or a comedian.
Or-- if the joke is completely relevant to your speech.
But if you feel nervous speaking to a group, it's not a good idea to lead off with humor.
Starting with some random joke will only lower your credibility during the first 10 seconds when audiences are making their first impression of you.
Then what if they don't laugh? Then you'll feeling more uncomfortable with your audience right off the bat.
If they don't laugh, well now you're even more nervous because the first thing you planned bombed.
So what is the best way to get past your nerves?Practice and prepare.
Visualize your speech going exactly as you want it to go.
And strive to make a connection with your audience by paying attention to them.
Remember, delivering a speech is not about you -- it's about your audience and giving them what they want during your public speaking presentations.
As a speech coach, communication consultant, and a professional speaker myself, I can tell you these creative bits of advice designed to help you get over being scared are not only stupid, but will likely hurt you and make you feel worse.
In no particular order, here are the three most common-- and stupidest --ways people say to get past feeling nervous.
When you hear these, run from the other person and DO NOT TAKE ANY ADVICE FROM THEM!!! (sorry to yell).
"Picture them naked.
" This seemingly pornographic advice refers to imagining your audience in some position that lowers their perceived power.
Other variations on this theme include, "Picture them in their underwear" and "picture them on the toilet.
"To all of these (and especially that last one about the loo), I say, "Ew.
"And how distracting!Not only do you have to remember your speech but now you have to visualize people in unflatteringpositions?No thank you.
What's better?Visualize yourself delivering your speech calmly and confidently.
And as for what to do with your audience?Look at them as people interested in hearing what you have to say and strive to make a connection with them.
"Instead of making eye contact look at their foreheads/chin.
" Or "Look at the back of the room.
"(Really?)People do notice if you're not looking them in the eye.
Unless you are in a large auditorium on a stage far removed from the audience, people will be able to tell if you are avoiding eye contact.
And then they will not trust you and you will lose rapport quickly.
Find people who seem genuinely interested in your presentation and speak to each one individually during your speech.
"Start off with a joke.
" Only start your presentation with a joke if you are a priest delivering your Sunday homily or a comedian.
Or-- if the joke is completely relevant to your speech.
But if you feel nervous speaking to a group, it's not a good idea to lead off with humor.
Starting with some random joke will only lower your credibility during the first 10 seconds when audiences are making their first impression of you.
Then what if they don't laugh? Then you'll feeling more uncomfortable with your audience right off the bat.
If they don't laugh, well now you're even more nervous because the first thing you planned bombed.
So what is the best way to get past your nerves?Practice and prepare.
Visualize your speech going exactly as you want it to go.
And strive to make a connection with your audience by paying attention to them.
Remember, delivering a speech is not about you -- it's about your audience and giving them what they want during your public speaking presentations.