"The Substitute" Clues and Questions
Complete Episode Guide:The Substitute Guide
The Substitute Clues
- Man in Locke wants Richard to go with him and has always wanted Richard to go with him.
- Ilana keeps some of Jacob's ashes.
- The kid is dressed in old clothes and no shoes, like the people at the Temple.
- The first time Man in Locke sees the kid in the jungle, the kid has blood on his hands and arms.
- The woman at the temp agency who speaks to Locke is the same woman whom Hurley's dad hired to make Hurley believe she could get rid of his numbers curse after he returned from the island.
- We thought maybe Sayid was possessed by the Man in Black, but Ilana says he's stuck as John Locke, so he can't be in Sayid.
- The Numbers are attached to some of the people on the island as written on the cave walls and ceiling:
- 4 - Locke
- 8 - Hurley
- 15 - Sawyer
- 16 - Sayid
- 23 - Jack
- 42 - Sun or Jin
Questions Raised by The Substitute
- How long has Man in Locke been trying to get Richard to go with him? Why has Richard never gone? What happens if he does (or doesn't)?
- How come Jacob never told Richard about the candidates?
- Why will Man in Locke being seeing Richard sooner than Richard thinks?
- Why does Man in Locke says that this was never Sawyer's house?
- The kid tells Man in Locke, "You know the rules. You can't kill him." Was he talking about Jacob, or someone else? Sawyer? Richard?
- Why are there rules? Who makes the rules? Who enforces the rules?
- Man in Locke really sounded like Locke when he said, "Don't tell me what I can't do!" to the kid. Is some of Locke's personality seeping in? Or, more likely, is his personality not completely gone yet?
- How were the numbers assigned to each person?
- Was Man in Locke telling the truth about Jacob manipulating them and pushing them to the island?
- If so, how was he able to "pull their strings"?