DIY Garden Arch
- 1). With the shovel, dig four holes 14 to 16 inches deep, spaced so that they form a rectangle 6 feet long and 18 inches wide. Insert a post into each hole and backfill with soil, tamped down firmly, until each post is secure in the ground.
- 2). Gather together all of the branches and saplings, arranging them by length from longest to shortest. This will make it easier to work with them as you begin to build the arch. Cut any twigs or branches off all of the wooden pieces. Depending on the thickness of the branches, you may need to use the pruning saw or the pruners. You may also wish to remove the leaves, though they will fall off on their own over time.
- 3). Tie the two 6½-foot-long branches to the inside of the two left posts, several inches down from the top, using the wire. Screw the branches to the posts to secure them in place. Tie the saplings to the outside of each right-hand post and screw them in place. The branches should resemble the outside rails of a ladder.
- 4). Tie the 19-inch-long branches in between the posts and the shorter rails to form a ladder-like shape. Space the rungs as far apart as you wish. Overlap the branches over the ends of the rails to secure the "rungs"" in place. You may have to stand on the ladder as you build upward.
- 5). Bend the saplings over to the tops of the 6½-foot branches, to form the arch. Use screws or wire to anchor any loose branches in place. Weave any remaining pieces through the ladder-like arch to add dimension and texture. Secure any loose ends with wire or screws.