How to Make Canvas Sealers
- 1). Prepare the glue. Hide glue typically comes in powdered or granulated form. Put one part hide glue to 15 parts water. Allow it to soak for 12 hours. The granules will absorb water and will become softer.
- 2). Mix equal amounts of color pigment and powdered chalk in a bowl or bucket, depending on the quantity you want to prepare. Measure your ingredients using a cup.
- 3). Measure glue to equal the amount of chalk or pigment you used. Mix the same amount of glue by volume, not by weight. Heat up the glue until you notice that the granules are melted. The solution shouldn't boil because this affects the strength of the glue.
- 4). Pour the glue into the bowl and mix continually until the paste is homogeneous. Check for bubbles and tap the container on the sides to eliminate these.
- 5). Apply the gesso on your canvas while it is still warm. Ideally, you should prime all your canvases while the solution is warm. If you have many canvases to seal, put parts of your gesso in jars and place them in hot water to prevent it from cooling down.