Understanding Cat Spraying
If you have ever owned cats, then the problem of cat spraying is probably not new to you.
Spraying in cats is so common that it is not possible to attribute it to cat behavior problems at all times.
While normally domesticated felines do not really spray, they could do so under stress or when present in a multi cat situation and sometimes for no fathomable reason.
This article describes the reasons for cat spraying and some of the things that we can do to deter this behavior.
Understanding Spraying Spraying is the act of depositing urine in small amounts on vertical surfaces such as walls, blinds, curtains etc, especially when at home.
It is important to understand that cat spraying is not a litter box problem but akin to leaving a message for others.
Cats spray to mark their territory, especially in the wild or to convey their readiness for mating.
It is important to note that spraying is not restricted to male cats but is seen in all cats, neutered or un-neutered.
Reasons for Spraying While the most common cause for cat spraying is territorial marking, it is not the only reason.
Cat urinary tract infection could also cause cats to spray along with overcrowding and an increase in stress.
Females usually spray when feeling excessively stressed.
Therefore, the best way to tackle this problem is by finding the cause of spraying and working on a solution for it.
Female cats in heat are also known to spray, as a means of leaving their scent.
Cat personalities also influence spraying as this behavior is common in dominant or submissive cats, especially during times when they are feeling insecure.
Tackling Spraying Cleaning the areas where they have previously sprayed will help deter a re-occurrence in the future as they tend to spray when they smell their scent.
However, this is not adequate.
Pet owners should try to understand the psychological problems of their cat, which in turn should be tackled to overcome this behavior.
Separating cats in multi cat households, and ensuring a clean and stress free atmosphere are some of the possible ways of tackling this problem.
If medical reasons are cause of cat spraying, then make sure that you have regular checkups with your vet to deal with the problem.
We hope that this article is useful to you in understanding cat spraying and gives you some ideas in tackling this problem.
Spraying in cats is so common that it is not possible to attribute it to cat behavior problems at all times.
While normally domesticated felines do not really spray, they could do so under stress or when present in a multi cat situation and sometimes for no fathomable reason.
This article describes the reasons for cat spraying and some of the things that we can do to deter this behavior.
Understanding Spraying Spraying is the act of depositing urine in small amounts on vertical surfaces such as walls, blinds, curtains etc, especially when at home.
It is important to understand that cat spraying is not a litter box problem but akin to leaving a message for others.
Cats spray to mark their territory, especially in the wild or to convey their readiness for mating.
It is important to note that spraying is not restricted to male cats but is seen in all cats, neutered or un-neutered.
Reasons for Spraying While the most common cause for cat spraying is territorial marking, it is not the only reason.
Cat urinary tract infection could also cause cats to spray along with overcrowding and an increase in stress.
Females usually spray when feeling excessively stressed.
Therefore, the best way to tackle this problem is by finding the cause of spraying and working on a solution for it.
Female cats in heat are also known to spray, as a means of leaving their scent.
Cat personalities also influence spraying as this behavior is common in dominant or submissive cats, especially during times when they are feeling insecure.
Tackling Spraying Cleaning the areas where they have previously sprayed will help deter a re-occurrence in the future as they tend to spray when they smell their scent.
However, this is not adequate.
Pet owners should try to understand the psychological problems of their cat, which in turn should be tackled to overcome this behavior.
Separating cats in multi cat households, and ensuring a clean and stress free atmosphere are some of the possible ways of tackling this problem.
If medical reasons are cause of cat spraying, then make sure that you have regular checkups with your vet to deal with the problem.
We hope that this article is useful to you in understanding cat spraying and gives you some ideas in tackling this problem.