Common Pests of the Tomato Plant
Tomato is full of wholesome nutrients and has a wonderful flavor.
Tomatoes fall into the potato family and attract hundreds of pests and related diseases.
Being a popular family member tomato attract rather a lot of unwanted pests.
However, fear of tomato pests does not prevent tomato gardeners from planting healthy tomatoes.
The key to growing healthy tomatoes is to learn, control and treat all the tomato pest diseases before they destroy your garden.
Tomato plants are attacked many by various pests during its growth.
These pests include Flea beetles, Aphids, Leafminers, and Spider mites.
Tomato pests threaten young plant-bed.
Generally these pests cause damage to the foliage and fruit.
The pests attack both the greenhouse and in the garden.
Tiny pests like aphids, whiteflies and spider mites some times moth comes and pests like army worms and fruit worms attack.
In this article I will discuss few common tomato pests.
For better understanding let's divide them in two major groups.
First tomato pests group are the ones that feed on the upper plan, then there are plants which chew others include the pests that attack the sap and roots.
Pests that attack the upper part of the plant: 1-Tomato Fruit worm- They are cream or yellowish green.
Later they become reddish or brown they are hairy and could grow up to 44 mm long.
They harm the buds and fruit 2-Tobacco budworm- This is caterpillar almost similar to the tomato fruit worm except it is slander and has longer occurs 3-Tomato pinworm- These attack the leaves and are few millimeters long.
They grow from spotted larva's.
They fold leaves and web them.
They put the pinholes in the fruits 4-Vegetable Leafminers- These are colorless bright yellow maggots.
They grow up to 3 mm.
they mine the leaves and eat them.
5-Blister beetles- There are several species of elongated beetles.
They grow up to 19 mm long.
They are in various colors, 6-Cabbage looper- This green caterpillar is long with white striped body grows up to 30 mm.
these insects eat leaves.
Viruses, fungus and bacteria all cause tomato problems and diseases.
Damping off, Wilts, mildew, leaf spots, cankers, fruit rot and leaf mosaic are common problems any tomato plant go thorough.
These diseases are caused by a group of microorganisms.
This group of tiny tomato pests initiates all the diseases that eventually dry the fruit.
Each problem in tomato plants affects in different ways.
Commonly leaf mosaic viruses grow in leaves, developing mosaic patterns.
Cankers develop on stems, leaves or fruit.
Rot or roots are frequently found in the leaves of the plant.
Tomatoes fall into the potato family and attract hundreds of pests and related diseases.
Being a popular family member tomato attract rather a lot of unwanted pests.
However, fear of tomato pests does not prevent tomato gardeners from planting healthy tomatoes.
The key to growing healthy tomatoes is to learn, control and treat all the tomato pest diseases before they destroy your garden.
Tomato plants are attacked many by various pests during its growth.
These pests include Flea beetles, Aphids, Leafminers, and Spider mites.
Tomato pests threaten young plant-bed.
Generally these pests cause damage to the foliage and fruit.
The pests attack both the greenhouse and in the garden.
Tiny pests like aphids, whiteflies and spider mites some times moth comes and pests like army worms and fruit worms attack.
In this article I will discuss few common tomato pests.
For better understanding let's divide them in two major groups.
First tomato pests group are the ones that feed on the upper plan, then there are plants which chew others include the pests that attack the sap and roots.
Pests that attack the upper part of the plant: 1-Tomato Fruit worm- They are cream or yellowish green.
Later they become reddish or brown they are hairy and could grow up to 44 mm long.
They harm the buds and fruit 2-Tobacco budworm- This is caterpillar almost similar to the tomato fruit worm except it is slander and has longer occurs 3-Tomato pinworm- These attack the leaves and are few millimeters long.
They grow from spotted larva's.
They fold leaves and web them.
They put the pinholes in the fruits 4-Vegetable Leafminers- These are colorless bright yellow maggots.
They grow up to 3 mm.
they mine the leaves and eat them.
5-Blister beetles- There are several species of elongated beetles.
They grow up to 19 mm long.
They are in various colors, 6-Cabbage looper- This green caterpillar is long with white striped body grows up to 30 mm.
these insects eat leaves.
Viruses, fungus and bacteria all cause tomato problems and diseases.
Damping off, Wilts, mildew, leaf spots, cankers, fruit rot and leaf mosaic are common problems any tomato plant go thorough.
These diseases are caused by a group of microorganisms.
This group of tiny tomato pests initiates all the diseases that eventually dry the fruit.
Each problem in tomato plants affects in different ways.
Commonly leaf mosaic viruses grow in leaves, developing mosaic patterns.
Cankers develop on stems, leaves or fruit.
Rot or roots are frequently found in the leaves of the plant.