Pueblo Indian Tools
- The use of stone was critical to the Pueblo in manufacturing manos and metates, grinding stones used in the preparation of food, primarily corn. The word mano means "hand" in Spanish, and metate comes from the term "metatl," which is used to describe the larger stone on which the mano is ground. Evidence of these tools first appeared during the Archaic period (5500 to 500 B.C.) and are still in use throughout the world today.
- The spear was significant in hunting for the Pueblo during the Archaic period. However, its use was improved upon by the use of atlatls and the dart. The atlatl was a tool that allowed the spear to be thrown farther and harder. One end consisted of a hook to hold the butt of the spear until it was released, and the other end had finger straps attached allowing the hunter to hold onto the piece. Darts were also added to the forward end of the spear, and would detach along with the projectile point to remain in the animal after it was hit.
- Projectiles points, knives, axes and hoes were also made from stone.The Pueblo made stone tools through the process of flint-knapping. This was done by carefully breaking off flakes from a stone until it resembled the desired outcome. The flakes were sometimes more sharp than the tools, and the tool makers would use them as tools well. Quartzite was commonly used to make these tools. The quartzite flakes are often found during archaeological excavations.
- Containers to carry water, food, and tools were made from gourds, basketry, and pottery. Pueblo groups were known for their beautiful pottery, as well as their skill in basket weaving. The Pueblo wove cotton into cloth and used the cloth to create clothes and blankets. According to the book "An Introduction to Native North Americans," their clothing consisted of ponchos, short kilts, shirts (after the European invasion), pants, and dresses. Deer skin was used to create moccasins and leggings. Wool was incorporated after contact as well.
Manos and Metates
Spear and Atlatl
Containers and Clothing