How to Clean a Concrete Pathway Without Harming the Surrounding Grass
- 1). Sweep the pathway with a broom to remove all loose dirt and debris.
- 2). Remove tough dirt from the concrete with a high-pressure, low-output power washer. This type of power washer prevents water from running off into the grass and local waterways.
- 3). Dampen stains with water. Pour just enough powdered dishwasher detergent over the stain to cover it; too much detergent can harm the surrounding grass.
- 4). Cover the surrounding grass with tarp or plastic while you clean the pathway. Scrub the stain with a long-bristled brush and rinse the area carefully with clean water.
- 5). Remove the tarp from the grass once you are finished; a lack of sunlight can kill the grass. If the soap solution gets on the grass, spray the grass with a water hose to dilute the soap.
- 6). Pour cat litter over grease and oil spots to remove them from the concrete. Let the litter absorb the liquid, and then sweep the kitty litter into a garbage bag.