Springs Make Our Lives So Much More Comfortable
In our everyday lives, we use equipment that we do not realize are full of components that we just do not see. For example, compression springs (CS) are made specifically to hold two parts of an object apart. On the other hand, an extension spring (ES) is made to hold two parts together. This does take a lot of precision measuring etc. before this equipment is put into place, but it is obvious that we could not survive without them.
The CS is usually made for a heavier gauge wire than the ES because it carries out a different function. One of the most common uses for the ES is on something like a trampoline where the wire is made to extend and then snap back into its original shape. The transfer of energy from this snapping motion sends the user into the air but eventually, the ES will regain its original shape. In this particular case though, those who are too heavy will ultimately stretch the ES and it will unravel to some degree. This is why manufacturers will always put on different gauges for adult trampolines to those that are used by kids.
A good example for the CS is the way that shock absorbers work. The wire is of a much heavier gauge and the whole thing is wound with gaps in between. Each end will have some form of ring or something similar so that the things that it is keeping apart will rest on them. These can often be seen on buses etc. through the wheel arch and they keep the body of the bus off the axle and absorb much of the disturbance of the tires on the rough road. This keeps passengers in a much more comfortable state. Anyone who has ever been carried in a vehicle with a broken shock absorber will testify to how uncomfortable the experience can be. The CS will also be found in mattresses etc. where the weight of the person using it has to be kept off the bottom of the bed. This means that the user will have a relaxed sleep and the mattress will bounce back to shape once the person gets off the bed. This is what is meant by the declaration that we use this equipment all the time without realizing that it is there.
There are companies which produce this kind of equipment and they normally work on the parameters that are given to them. In recent times, they have developed interlocking devices too, for beds in particular, where two people of varying weight can sleep on a bed without rolling together. The weight is evenly distributed along the metal within so that even if someone is extremely heavy, the other person will still sleep on a level surface.
These innovative designs will keep on giving us comfort in all parts of our lives and will only add to the experience. When one of them breaks down, we soon realize how much we have come to rely upon them.
The CS is usually made for a heavier gauge wire than the ES because it carries out a different function. One of the most common uses for the ES is on something like a trampoline where the wire is made to extend and then snap back into its original shape. The transfer of energy from this snapping motion sends the user into the air but eventually, the ES will regain its original shape. In this particular case though, those who are too heavy will ultimately stretch the ES and it will unravel to some degree. This is why manufacturers will always put on different gauges for adult trampolines to those that are used by kids.
A good example for the CS is the way that shock absorbers work. The wire is of a much heavier gauge and the whole thing is wound with gaps in between. Each end will have some form of ring or something similar so that the things that it is keeping apart will rest on them. These can often be seen on buses etc. through the wheel arch and they keep the body of the bus off the axle and absorb much of the disturbance of the tires on the rough road. This keeps passengers in a much more comfortable state. Anyone who has ever been carried in a vehicle with a broken shock absorber will testify to how uncomfortable the experience can be. The CS will also be found in mattresses etc. where the weight of the person using it has to be kept off the bottom of the bed. This means that the user will have a relaxed sleep and the mattress will bounce back to shape once the person gets off the bed. This is what is meant by the declaration that we use this equipment all the time without realizing that it is there.
There are companies which produce this kind of equipment and they normally work on the parameters that are given to them. In recent times, they have developed interlocking devices too, for beds in particular, where two people of varying weight can sleep on a bed without rolling together. The weight is evenly distributed along the metal within so that even if someone is extremely heavy, the other person will still sleep on a level surface.
These innovative designs will keep on giving us comfort in all parts of our lives and will only add to the experience. When one of them breaks down, we soon realize how much we have come to rely upon them.