Amazing Race Recap -- Peter and Sarah Eliminated
All Together Now
After some jockeying for plane tickets at various travel agencies, all seven teams wind up on the same flight, and bound for Kuwait City, Kuwait.Loyal Until the End?
Brothers, Erwin/Godwin; single moms, Lyn/Karlyn; and married couple David/Mary have an alliance going and they all seem very dedicated to it, especially Erwin/Godwin, who in a move that might not be very smart, race-wise, but was terrific in terms of alliance loyalty, willingly take a fall to last place at the Roadblock so that David/Mary can take the Fast Forward without the other teams competing against them for it.Climb and Solve
The Roadblock requires a team member to scale the Kuwaiti Towers to retrieve a satchel that contains parts of a puzzle, climb back down to the ground and retrieve the rest of the puzzle pieces from a trunk there. Then they must assemble the puzzle, resembling a round jigsaw puzzle, which will reveal the location of their next clue. All the teams struggle with the puzzle, but they all manage to finish it without any one team pulling far ahead of the pack.Backdraft 2. . .with Steven Seagal?
The Fast Forward requires the team to don firefighting gear, and then approach a simulated oil well fire close enough to get the clue from the clue box. Mary, upon donning the gear, remarks that 'maybe Steven Seagal will see me and want me to be in his movie.' Wouldn't it be awfully hard to do martial arts in those suits though?Ignorance isn't Bliss
Kimberly, who's not quite in her 'dream destination' of Europe, keeps calling the Grand Mosque, the landmark that will help them locate their next clue, the 'Grand Mask.' When Rob tries to correct her, she dimly replies that she '[doesn't] know what a mosque is.'Rivalry in the Making?
Looks like a rivalry might be developing between beauty queens, Dustin/Kandice and Lyn/Karlyn.At the Roadblock, when teams were trying to find locals to help direct them to their next destination, the two teams got into an argument that culminated in a short shoving match when the single moms tried to prevent the beauty queens from asking 'their' local for help. Neither team came out looking very good, especially when the poor, innocent local ended up getting caught in the shoving.
From Last to First
Thanks to their successful completion of the Fast Forward, David/Mary check in first at the pit stop. Not only do they avoid incurring a 30-minute penalty, they win a trip to Negril, Jamaica. Mary gives Erwin/Godwin a shout-out to thank them for their help.Camel Feed or Camel Racing?
The Detour requires teams to choose to either fill 10 bags with camel feed and then stack them, a physically arduous task, or to locate the camel racing 'club' and place a robotic jockey atop a camel and race it, which would be quick and easy but finding the location could be problematic.Lost!
Peter and Sarah get hopelessly lost trying to find the camel racing task. Just when they think that they've found the task, they realize that they have stumbled across the Fast Forward instead, putting them back where they were ? completely lost. Not surprisingly, Peter/Sarah check in last at the pit stop, well behind all the other racers, and are eliminated.Oh, Karma
Erwin/Godwin ran a nail-biting race and for a period of time, we were worried that their act of loyalty toward David/Mary would end up hurting them in the end. But karma smiled on them, helping them find their way to the Detour without getting too lost. They manage to catch up with the pack and finish fifth in this leg.Where We Part Ways
We have mixed feelings about this week's elimination. We've always been fond of gutsy, tough Sarah, but her partner Peter grew more and more unbearable each week. So we're sad to see her go, but can't help grinning at his elimination. However, we are unequivocally happy about Sarah's answer to Phil's question about the status of her relationship with Peter. Sarah states that their short-lived courtship is over because while Peter is a strong go-getter, he's not a very 'nurturing or kind person.'