Home Remedy for Feline Diarrhea
- Diarrhea is common in cats, just as it is in humans.cat face image by Viktor Korpan from Fotolia.com
When cats get sick, one of the symptoms is usually diarrhea. Acute diarrhea can cause major dehydration and make your feline very weak. If your feline has acute diarrhea (blood or excess water in stools), you should get him to the veterinarian immediately. However, for mild cases of feline diarrhea a few home remedies can be tried in the comfort of your own home. - Try fasting before using other home remedies by allowing your feline small amounts of water to drink. For 24 hours give the cat nothing but small bowls of water in frequent intervals. You can also use sports drinks, as the electrolytes are good for replenishing fluids the cat loses with diarrhea.
- After fasting, a bland diet is required for four days and should be fed to the cat about every four hours. Mix two parts rice with one part boiled skinless chicken for your cat. This is very easily digested and easy on the cat’s stomach.
- Put honey on your cat’s gums or allow him to lick it off a spoon. Honey has a variety of properties that will help the gastrointestinal system and soothe the stomach lining.
- Slippery elm is a dry herb that can be helpful for diarrhea in your feline. Use the recommended daily dosage to control diarrhea in your pet. Put the herb in the cat’s food or water daily. This herb can be purchased at most health food stores.
- Plain yogurt restores good bacteria levels after diarrhea. A small daily cup of unflavored yogurt will also force bad bacteria out of the cat’s intestines and soothe an upset stomach caused by diarrhea.
- Make sure to clean all food and water bowls your cat uses at the first sign of diarrhea. Bad bacteria can be on the bowls and the cat will keep ingesting it until it is washed away. It is always a good idea to clean your cat’s water and food bowls at least once a week.
- Always avoid giving a cat milk when diarrhea is noticeable. Milk can cause more of an upset stomach and does not soothe the lining of the stomach. Do not give the cat milk until all signs of diarrhea are completely gone.
Bland Diet
Slippery Elm
Clean Bowls
No Milk