Introducingmarlin, Darlin
Introducing the most lovable, pratfall-prone female sleuth in recent memory, this first novel in the Garnet Sullivan Live from Florida series will leave the reader in stitches and begging for more. Marlin, Darlin debuts the engaging, redoubtable and often annoying (to her colleagues and friends) small town journalist, the foxy Garnet Sullivan. A murky murder during a marlin fishing tournament forms the basis for this sizzling, uproarious mystery set in contemporary, steamy east coast Florida, featuring the unsinkable freelance reporter, snoop and trouble-maker, Garnet Sullivan, and a host of her bizarre, colorful friends.
A Gordian knot of a plot fairly gallops along from page one to the final page and will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat until the novels last words. Saturated with todays most authentic Florida ambience and whackos, Marlin, Darlin is sure to delight the most cerebral mystery buffs as well as fans of romantic comedyand dog lovers too! The novel is propelled by laugh out loud characters, scenes and situations reminiscent of Carl Hiassen and Dave Barry, but with more lipstick and purses. Fully imagined and drawn from life characters hook the reader from the books first sentences and the story seems to vault inevitably from who these characters arenutty and flamboyantly so, but completely convincing, and whose native habitat could only be Florida.
The author, writing out of her own vast and varied experience in off-beat Florida, delivers a rip-roaring romp through real Florida backwaters and boondocks that few ever get a chance to see. Written by a true insider with sterling credentials, this first novel in the Garnet Sullivan Live from Florida series raises the bar for all future Florida Mysteries. The writing is confident, accomplished and smooth, and has more verve, style and gusto than even the most popular novels in this genre. Great beach reading and essential preparation for any Florida vacation, this one is not to be missed!
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A Gordian knot of a plot fairly gallops along from page one to the final page and will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat until the novels last words. Saturated with todays most authentic Florida ambience and whackos, Marlin, Darlin is sure to delight the most cerebral mystery buffs as well as fans of romantic comedyand dog lovers too! The novel is propelled by laugh out loud characters, scenes and situations reminiscent of Carl Hiassen and Dave Barry, but with more lipstick and purses. Fully imagined and drawn from life characters hook the reader from the books first sentences and the story seems to vault inevitably from who these characters arenutty and flamboyantly so, but completely convincing, and whose native habitat could only be Florida.
The author, writing out of her own vast and varied experience in off-beat Florida, delivers a rip-roaring romp through real Florida backwaters and boondocks that few ever get a chance to see. Written by a true insider with sterling credentials, this first novel in the Garnet Sullivan Live from Florida series raises the bar for all future Florida Mysteries. The writing is confident, accomplished and smooth, and has more verve, style and gusto than even the most popular novels in this genre. Great beach reading and essential preparation for any Florida vacation, this one is not to be missed!
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