How to Reseed Dead Grass
- 1). Rake the patches of dead grass and discard the plant debris to expose the surface. If the grass died as a result of pests and disease, treat the problem before reseeding.
- 2). Buy commercial lawn soil or mix 1 part topsoil with 1 part peat moss. Spread the blend over the bare surface areas. Make the soil layer 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick.
- 3). Select a seed blend of grass species that thrive in your region. In Florida, for instance, plant heat-loving zoysiagrass, Augustinegrass and bahiagrass. In the northern United States, fescue, ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass are suitable for the cooler climate.
- 4). Broadcast the seeds by hand over small sections. To reseed large areas, use a seed spreader set to drop the seeds at the rate recommended on the package label.
- 5). Water the soil immediately after sowing the seeds. Maintain the reseeded areas with moist conditions through germination.