PDA Mobile Games
- The convenience of PDA devices makes them very well-suited for games.pda image by Eric E from Fotolia.com
PDAs, or Personal Digital Assistants, have, within the last decade, become known as smartphones. They incorporate a lot of the functions of typical desktop or laptop computers into mobile devices. While they were originally designed for business professionals as a way to organize information and communicate via text on the go, PDA technology has widely been adopted into the consumer marketplace and games are increasingly popular on these devices. - The game Jawbreaker originally came with any phone that ran the Windows Mobile 2003 operating system, but was renamed Bubble Breaker for Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0. A newer version is available for the iPhone as well, under the name Bubblets. Each version of the game has similar gameplay, where you select an object of a certain color from a grid of multi-colored objects. Once selected, the adjacent objects of the same color disappear and are replaced. Eventually, you run out of moves and the amount of objects you have successfully cleared from the screen amounts to your score.
- The Aces Solitaire pack for Blackberry devices costs $2.99 and includes 15 variations of the single-player card game category. Solitaire, in some form or another, has been available on nearly all personal computing systems for many years. Some version of solitaire is available for most PDAs (see Resources).
- Bejeweled gained popularity first as an online flash game, playable in web browsers on desktops or laptops. It got even more popular once the game became available through the marketing talents of its owner, Pop Cap Games, who was able to put ports of the game onto nearly all mobile platforms such as Android, Palm, iPhone, Symbian, and Windows Mobile. The game is similar to the Jawbreaker game mentioned above, except you are able to swap the placement of the colored objects in a grid in order to make patterns which will subsequently clear the objects from the screen. It is available for free on the Palm operating system.
- While there are countless games that fall into the tower defense category available for all types of smartphones, one of the most visually interesting is Retro Defense for Google's Android platform. It takes the traditional real-time strategy format, but uses colorfully detailed enemies and weapons. The action is vibrantly animated in an abstract way that recalls the aesthetic of the movie Tron, as opposed to other defense games which take place in either a cartoonish or photo-realistic environment. Retro Defense costs $4.99, but there is a lite version available for free. For more tower defense games designed for any mobile operating system, see Resources.
Jawbreaker/Bubble Breaker/Bubblets
Aces Solitaire Pack
Retro Defense