Who Controls a Nation"s Money - The Bankers Or the Leaders?
Worrying about our money is the last thing we need to do.
Unfortunately, it is just a fact of life in general these days.
So when the question of who controls a nation's money the bankers or the leaders comes up we have to look deeper into the subject.
Whether most American's know it or not the media that delivers our daily news is connected to the banking system.
It is a reality we may overlooked because there are some exceptional journalist in mass media.
In theory, this control, or we can say ownership of mass media companies could have very well been a well played out chess game from the beginning when we think about it.
This theory is not limited to just the daily newspapers, it involves radio and television stations, as well as electronic media venues like blogs, videos, websites, and even twitters updates.
Just a short time ago major the major news contributors that included ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN were owned by banks.
These banks included Chase Manhattan Corp.
, Citibank, Morgan Guaranty Trust and Bank of America.
Up to ten of these corporations held control over fifty publications that included Time and Newsweek.
Also included in their holdings were over fifty five newspapers that included the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.
The movie industry was another part of the banks holdings, with the exception of Disney, which purchased ABC.
This breaks down to a majority of mass media in which we get our daily news from being owned or operated in some way by banking companies.
What kind of effect does this have on the messages we receive daily? A quarter of our nation's daily newspapers independently owned.
This may not be true in the future as more and more users turn to technology for their news, movies, and morning traffic reports.
Are we being deceived with propaganda via unique branding of media corporations? It is like going to the grocery store and buying a bottle of shampoo.
All you want is the best product to clean your hair.
What you find are over thirty products all competing for your hard earned dollar.
And, the silliest part is that some of these products are made by the same corporation, but they are branded under a different logo or branding company.
How can you tell the difference and know what is best for you? By doing a bit of research and investigating what you need without all the hype.
It makes you wonder who else has their fingers in the till? Until now we were able to move ahead with our daily lives, knowing or at least thinking our money was safe.
Is it time to invest or stash the money in a coffee can out back under the tomatoes plants? Our best defense is knowledge and research.
And this is true for the government as well, even if this research means investigating a companies background, and if necessary their holdings until they track the source of their income.
They can do it with drug lords and the mafia, and it may be time they started looking into precisely who is controlling America's money the bankers or the leaders.
Not knowing could lead to a future result that could be far worse than the economic crisis we are facing now.
Just as with your health, it is wise to seek the advice of a professional when you have questions about your financial well being.
Unfortunately, it is just a fact of life in general these days.
So when the question of who controls a nation's money the bankers or the leaders comes up we have to look deeper into the subject.
Whether most American's know it or not the media that delivers our daily news is connected to the banking system.
It is a reality we may overlooked because there are some exceptional journalist in mass media.
In theory, this control, or we can say ownership of mass media companies could have very well been a well played out chess game from the beginning when we think about it.
This theory is not limited to just the daily newspapers, it involves radio and television stations, as well as electronic media venues like blogs, videos, websites, and even twitters updates.
Just a short time ago major the major news contributors that included ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN were owned by banks.
These banks included Chase Manhattan Corp.
, Citibank, Morgan Guaranty Trust and Bank of America.
Up to ten of these corporations held control over fifty publications that included Time and Newsweek.
Also included in their holdings were over fifty five newspapers that included the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.
The movie industry was another part of the banks holdings, with the exception of Disney, which purchased ABC.
This breaks down to a majority of mass media in which we get our daily news from being owned or operated in some way by banking companies.
What kind of effect does this have on the messages we receive daily? A quarter of our nation's daily newspapers independently owned.
This may not be true in the future as more and more users turn to technology for their news, movies, and morning traffic reports.
Are we being deceived with propaganda via unique branding of media corporations? It is like going to the grocery store and buying a bottle of shampoo.
All you want is the best product to clean your hair.
What you find are over thirty products all competing for your hard earned dollar.
And, the silliest part is that some of these products are made by the same corporation, but they are branded under a different logo or branding company.
How can you tell the difference and know what is best for you? By doing a bit of research and investigating what you need without all the hype.
It makes you wonder who else has their fingers in the till? Until now we were able to move ahead with our daily lives, knowing or at least thinking our money was safe.
Is it time to invest or stash the money in a coffee can out back under the tomatoes plants? Our best defense is knowledge and research.
And this is true for the government as well, even if this research means investigating a companies background, and if necessary their holdings until they track the source of their income.
They can do it with drug lords and the mafia, and it may be time they started looking into precisely who is controlling America's money the bankers or the leaders.
Not knowing could lead to a future result that could be far worse than the economic crisis we are facing now.
Just as with your health, it is wise to seek the advice of a professional when you have questions about your financial well being.