Living Happily with Menopause
Menopause means the last menstrual period and actually happens between 45 and 55, although today it's even happening to women of 40.
It signals an end to ovarian function and the ability to conceive and menstruate.
Leading up to this time, as there are 40 eggs developing, the ovaries gradually secrete less of the hormonestrogen (which gets her set for pregnancy) and progesterone (which sheds the uterine lining when conception does not take place).
Periods become irregular and stop.
Ovulation ceases.
After a year of no periods you don't need a medical diagnosis to tell you that she has menopaused.
It is only then that you can stop using contraception.
No periods means no PMT, but does not mean a full stop to their activities.
Menopause also happens if the uterus and ovaries or both ovaries have been removed in a hysterectomy.
If the uterus alone has been removed then she will not have periods or babies but her ovaries will continue to secrete hormones every month.
Menopause will occur at such time as it would have naturally.
Short-term symptoms.
Usually disappear or are accepted as the body and mind adapts to the changes such as hot flushes, burning hands and fee, palpitations, facial hair, dizziness, lethargy, fatigue, fainting, itchy skin, genito urinary infections, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, hysteria, unreasonable fears, wrinkles.
Long term symptoms are heart disease with Estrogen no longer watch dogging a woman's heart, fatty deposits and bad LDL cholesterol can build up in her arteries, increasing the risk of strokes and hear attacks in 60% of women; osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes Alzheimer's all of which can be prevented and treated.
One third of women escape unscathed with non-or very mild symptoms.
Does menopause hit suddenly?.
There is a transitional period called perimenopause, which is a preamble to the actual thing.
Neither your mother of mother-in-law were aware of it, because it had not been identified in their time.
Perimenopause arrives earlier and earlier, due to environmental changes and bad nutrition.
During this time Estrogen and Progesterone levels fluctuate wildly from very high to none at all.
That's why sudden strange symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations, sweating, irritability which are mistaken for PMT pop in and out erratically without any discernible pattern.
One of the first harbingers can be irregular periods shorter, longer, lighter, heavier.
They may disappear for months and become clockwork regular again.
Will the hot flashes go on forever? The Estrogen imbalance causes a dilation of the blood vessels, which increases the skin temperature and makes the skin look red.
88% of women suffer from hot flushes (or flashes), night sweats, dizziness, burning feet and hands, which can last from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and are guaranteed to curdle the blandest disposition.
Now while these aggravations can occur without any provocation, they can be triggered by anxiety, over exertion, hot coffee, spicy food, synthetic garments.
The good news is that without any medical intervention, the symptoms vanish like a bad dream within one to 5 years.
In the meantime women could try the following tactics that have been shown to ease the discomfort: Belly breathing Sit comfortably in a quiet spot.
Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose for 5 seconds so that the belly expands, then exhale through your mouth for 5, continuing for 15 minutes.
The more she does it, the fewer heat waves she'll have.
Researchers believe that deep breathing may drop the body's core temperature slightly.
Taking regular Spin classes wont nix hot flashes, but menopausal women who exercise do report less flash induced discomfort.
Apparently, the hear and soaking that come with flashes and nigh sweats don't seem so distressing for a regular exerciser.
Smell the relief A recent Japanese study of 15 women found that those who got 20 minute aromatherapy rubdowns and performed self massages with scented oil three times weekly reported fewer hot flashes and sounder sleep after 1 month.
Other tricksgetting extra vitamin E, more fluids, shunning hot drinks and hot baths, wearing loose cottons.
Fruit, veggies and phytoestrogen rich foods (peas, chowli, rajma, soy) trick the body into believing that it has more estrogen than it really does.
Boron (found in apples, beans, cabbage, figs, plums, prunes, strawberries) helps the body to hold on to its estrogen supplies.
Herbal helpResearch from Germany on black cohosh has shown that it can reduce the severity of hot flashes and night sweats similar to that seen in estrogen therapy.
Medication for severe cases.
Doctor may prescribe Estrogen and other supplements for short periods.
Why do menopausal women suddenly start looking matronly?Quite often women put on weight after menopause because they feel that it is the end of their attractiveness.
They neglect their appearance and indulge themselves with food.
A typical woman gains an average of almost 4.
5 kgs before menopause at the age of 35 to 45, and only another 0.
9 kg between 45 to 55.
Here is where men come in.
Make changes in both your food habits.
Eat small frequent balanced meals together.
Give up the daily post-dinner dessert habit, if you must have a sweet, make it a fruit for a single square of dark chocolate.
You don't have to live on salads.
Experiment, to create titillating lean cuisine lean meat and green veggies, sprouts and beans, wholegrain low fat dairy and fish, the market is flooded with easy-to-follow cookbooks.
Recognize that neither one of you can indulge in fries and potato chips like twenty-year-olds.
The good news is that these dietary changes also help protect a woman's and your heart.
Exercise regularly together, Start with yoga, swimming, walking after getting your doctors nod.
All this tots up to better bodies, added stamina and more togetherness.
Why do some women turn all weepy at this time?Menopause has long been blamed for mature women's blahs.
But psychiatrist's case studies show that these women seek help because they already have emotional problems.
Studies at Yale Medical School find that the signs of depression and stress are not worse in menopausal women as compared to younger ones.
Sometimes the emotional symptoms that are pinned on menopause like crying jags, temper tantrums, panic attacks, lack of concentration et al result from sleeplessness due to night sweats, troublesome teens, coming for aging parents, failing careers, retirement, poor self esteem.
The connection to menopause could merely be co-incidental.
Always talk to your doctor to get to the root of the problem.
Yoga, relaxation techniques, meditation and massage can help her and you're to cope better.
Be especially tender to your mate who has cosseted you through the years.
Give her a foot, or head massage.
Surprise her with a coupon for a makeover.
Help her revamp her wardrobe.
Enroll her in an exercise regimen to release feel good hormones.
Bring back a joke or two with the daily bread.
Maintain an active interest in her day, encourage new hobbies and games, and see how her spirits will lift.
If the symptoms of anxiety, weight change, sleeplessness, memory loss, social withdrawal, stress, palpitations are severe it could be clinical depression.
Consult a psychiatrist, which doesn't mean that she is crazy, but just needs help.
Does Menopause means Men-O-Pause, as in, the end of a woman's sex life? Estrogen deficiency causes the vagina to thin and shrink, and lubrication to decline resulting in vaginal dryness, soreness, itching and bleeding after intercourse.
The tissues of the urinary tract also shrink, leading to frequent infections and incontinence.
Sadly it is wrongly believed that sex is a youthful pursuit, which oldies should relinquish.
Women proudly - or ruefully - proclaim: "That part of our life is over" A great many women actually experience an increase in sexual pleasure after menopause:The children are independent, there is more privacy and leisure, they don't have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.
The bonus?Spontaneous sex.
Happily, estrogen is not the libido hormone.
It's testosterone, your male hormone, which her adrenal glands also produce for many years after estrogen has bowed out.
Some older women may also develop a larger and more complex system of veins in the genital area, which can help orgasm.
The most important thing is to stay sexually active to stimulate blood flow and flexibility to the vagina and surrounding tissues.
It's disuse, not use that causes atrophy.
Although inevitably both your sexual systems will age, along with your sight, taste, smell and hearing, you have to change focus, tone down expectations, accept limitations, not-so-firm breasts, and saddlebags.
Penetrative sex may become less frequent.
You have more time for innovations in foreplay, which can serve as a delightful multi-dimensional alternative to intercourse.
Sex in any form can bring closeness and contentment
It signals an end to ovarian function and the ability to conceive and menstruate.
Leading up to this time, as there are 40 eggs developing, the ovaries gradually secrete less of the hormonestrogen (which gets her set for pregnancy) and progesterone (which sheds the uterine lining when conception does not take place).
Periods become irregular and stop.
Ovulation ceases.
After a year of no periods you don't need a medical diagnosis to tell you that she has menopaused.
It is only then that you can stop using contraception.
No periods means no PMT, but does not mean a full stop to their activities.
Menopause also happens if the uterus and ovaries or both ovaries have been removed in a hysterectomy.
If the uterus alone has been removed then she will not have periods or babies but her ovaries will continue to secrete hormones every month.
Menopause will occur at such time as it would have naturally.
Short-term symptoms.
Usually disappear or are accepted as the body and mind adapts to the changes such as hot flushes, burning hands and fee, palpitations, facial hair, dizziness, lethargy, fatigue, fainting, itchy skin, genito urinary infections, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, hysteria, unreasonable fears, wrinkles.
Long term symptoms are heart disease with Estrogen no longer watch dogging a woman's heart, fatty deposits and bad LDL cholesterol can build up in her arteries, increasing the risk of strokes and hear attacks in 60% of women; osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes Alzheimer's all of which can be prevented and treated.
One third of women escape unscathed with non-or very mild symptoms.
Does menopause hit suddenly?.
There is a transitional period called perimenopause, which is a preamble to the actual thing.
Neither your mother of mother-in-law were aware of it, because it had not been identified in their time.
Perimenopause arrives earlier and earlier, due to environmental changes and bad nutrition.
During this time Estrogen and Progesterone levels fluctuate wildly from very high to none at all.
That's why sudden strange symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations, sweating, irritability which are mistaken for PMT pop in and out erratically without any discernible pattern.
One of the first harbingers can be irregular periods shorter, longer, lighter, heavier.
They may disappear for months and become clockwork regular again.
Will the hot flashes go on forever? The Estrogen imbalance causes a dilation of the blood vessels, which increases the skin temperature and makes the skin look red.
88% of women suffer from hot flushes (or flashes), night sweats, dizziness, burning feet and hands, which can last from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and are guaranteed to curdle the blandest disposition.
Now while these aggravations can occur without any provocation, they can be triggered by anxiety, over exertion, hot coffee, spicy food, synthetic garments.
The good news is that without any medical intervention, the symptoms vanish like a bad dream within one to 5 years.
In the meantime women could try the following tactics that have been shown to ease the discomfort: Belly breathing Sit comfortably in a quiet spot.
Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose for 5 seconds so that the belly expands, then exhale through your mouth for 5, continuing for 15 minutes.
The more she does it, the fewer heat waves she'll have.
Researchers believe that deep breathing may drop the body's core temperature slightly.
Taking regular Spin classes wont nix hot flashes, but menopausal women who exercise do report less flash induced discomfort.
Apparently, the hear and soaking that come with flashes and nigh sweats don't seem so distressing for a regular exerciser.
Smell the relief A recent Japanese study of 15 women found that those who got 20 minute aromatherapy rubdowns and performed self massages with scented oil three times weekly reported fewer hot flashes and sounder sleep after 1 month.
Other tricksgetting extra vitamin E, more fluids, shunning hot drinks and hot baths, wearing loose cottons.
Fruit, veggies and phytoestrogen rich foods (peas, chowli, rajma, soy) trick the body into believing that it has more estrogen than it really does.
Boron (found in apples, beans, cabbage, figs, plums, prunes, strawberries) helps the body to hold on to its estrogen supplies.
Herbal helpResearch from Germany on black cohosh has shown that it can reduce the severity of hot flashes and night sweats similar to that seen in estrogen therapy.
Medication for severe cases.
Doctor may prescribe Estrogen and other supplements for short periods.
Why do menopausal women suddenly start looking matronly?Quite often women put on weight after menopause because they feel that it is the end of their attractiveness.
They neglect their appearance and indulge themselves with food.
A typical woman gains an average of almost 4.
5 kgs before menopause at the age of 35 to 45, and only another 0.
9 kg between 45 to 55.
Here is where men come in.
Make changes in both your food habits.
Eat small frequent balanced meals together.
Give up the daily post-dinner dessert habit, if you must have a sweet, make it a fruit for a single square of dark chocolate.
You don't have to live on salads.
Experiment, to create titillating lean cuisine lean meat and green veggies, sprouts and beans, wholegrain low fat dairy and fish, the market is flooded with easy-to-follow cookbooks.
Recognize that neither one of you can indulge in fries and potato chips like twenty-year-olds.
The good news is that these dietary changes also help protect a woman's and your heart.
Exercise regularly together, Start with yoga, swimming, walking after getting your doctors nod.
All this tots up to better bodies, added stamina and more togetherness.
Why do some women turn all weepy at this time?Menopause has long been blamed for mature women's blahs.
But psychiatrist's case studies show that these women seek help because they already have emotional problems.
Studies at Yale Medical School find that the signs of depression and stress are not worse in menopausal women as compared to younger ones.
Sometimes the emotional symptoms that are pinned on menopause like crying jags, temper tantrums, panic attacks, lack of concentration et al result from sleeplessness due to night sweats, troublesome teens, coming for aging parents, failing careers, retirement, poor self esteem.
The connection to menopause could merely be co-incidental.
Always talk to your doctor to get to the root of the problem.
Yoga, relaxation techniques, meditation and massage can help her and you're to cope better.
Be especially tender to your mate who has cosseted you through the years.
Give her a foot, or head massage.
Surprise her with a coupon for a makeover.
Help her revamp her wardrobe.
Enroll her in an exercise regimen to release feel good hormones.
Bring back a joke or two with the daily bread.
Maintain an active interest in her day, encourage new hobbies and games, and see how her spirits will lift.
If the symptoms of anxiety, weight change, sleeplessness, memory loss, social withdrawal, stress, palpitations are severe it could be clinical depression.
Consult a psychiatrist, which doesn't mean that she is crazy, but just needs help.
Does Menopause means Men-O-Pause, as in, the end of a woman's sex life? Estrogen deficiency causes the vagina to thin and shrink, and lubrication to decline resulting in vaginal dryness, soreness, itching and bleeding after intercourse.
The tissues of the urinary tract also shrink, leading to frequent infections and incontinence.
Sadly it is wrongly believed that sex is a youthful pursuit, which oldies should relinquish.
Women proudly - or ruefully - proclaim: "That part of our life is over" A great many women actually experience an increase in sexual pleasure after menopause:The children are independent, there is more privacy and leisure, they don't have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.
The bonus?Spontaneous sex.
Happily, estrogen is not the libido hormone.
It's testosterone, your male hormone, which her adrenal glands also produce for many years after estrogen has bowed out.
Some older women may also develop a larger and more complex system of veins in the genital area, which can help orgasm.
The most important thing is to stay sexually active to stimulate blood flow and flexibility to the vagina and surrounding tissues.
It's disuse, not use that causes atrophy.
Although inevitably both your sexual systems will age, along with your sight, taste, smell and hearing, you have to change focus, tone down expectations, accept limitations, not-so-firm breasts, and saddlebags.
Penetrative sex may become less frequent.
You have more time for innovations in foreplay, which can serve as a delightful multi-dimensional alternative to intercourse.
Sex in any form can bring closeness and contentment