This time, the Immunity Idol comes in two pieces, with Chapera and Mogo Mogo teams each taking half home in exultation, while a somber Saboga team returned to camp to face the first vote.
Fear of previous winners made Jenna Lewis, originally from 'Pulau Tiga', lobby against Tina Wesson, originally from 'The Australian Outback', and Ethan Zohn originally from 'Africa', seek alliances. Tina looked to Rupert for help, but in the end, it was Tina who was voted off in a 4-2 decision at Tribal Council, held on a stormy, rainy night at the Tribal Council tree house high above the beach.
Since the Saboga tribe had not made fire on their own, they had to leave their torches behind, and trudged off into the rain.
Coming in the next episode:
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