How to Get Rid of Birds
- 1). Consider them on a species by species basis. Pigeons typically infest urban areas. Droppings litter the ground spreading potentially serious diseases. They feast on garbage and crowd pathways and parks. To eliminate pigeons use a trap like the "pigeon motel." First deposit bait in an area frequented by the pigeons. This gets them used to coming to that particular location for food. Next, place the pigeon motel in the same spot. The pigeon motel is a wire cage. Leave it open the first few days to accustom the pigeons to walking into and out of it. Don't forget to leave some bait inside. Finally, set the doors to close when the pigeons go inside. You will be able to trap a number in the same cage. Leave a dish of water for the trapped pigeons. Once the cage is full, take the pigeons and release them in a rural area.
- 2). Visit a park or riverside and you may have to contend with geese. Canada Geese, in particular, are a major problem in the Eastern United States. Their droppings cover public recreational areas and frequently wind up in natural watercourses. Aggressive geese can even harass humans. Most geese are attracted by human feeding. Stop feeding the geese in your area and they are likely to go away. If this does not work try actively scaring them off. Run at them and yell. The geese usually get the message. Place lifelike swan decoys in the water. The geese will normally shy away from what they believe are larger birds. If necessary, catch the geese and physically move them to another location farther from human habitations.
- 3). Getting trees to thrive can sometimes be difficult in areas frequented by woodpeckers. These small birds drive their beaks into tree trunks in search of the bugs and larvae that live inside. This activity can harm or kill the tree. Woodpeckers will also hack away at other wooden structures and can rip up aluminum siding. Loud noises can frighten away woodpeckers. Use noisemakers to drive them away. Thin strips of metal hung near your house walls can provide safe targets for their pecking. Set up suet feeders at a distance from your home. The woodpeckers should be attracted to the alternative food source. And, if nothing else works, try getting rid of the bugs on which these birds feed.
- 4). Trying to enjoy a peaceful summer's day can be difficult with crows in the neighborhood. Crows are extremely loud and aggressive birds. They are also very difficult to remove. Many people recommend using a Crow be Gone CD. The Crow be Gone CD plays a "melody" that keeps out the crows but is not harmful to other wildlife or pets. To use the Crow be Gone CD simply pop it into a CD player and put the player outside. Get rid of any bird feeders or other sources of food. Let the CD play until it is finished. Crows disappear within 2 to 20 minutes.