How Do Doctors Correct Asymmetrical Breasts?
Many of us have issues with our bodies. Our concerns may range from cellulite to wrinkles to thinning hair to stomach fat. One issue that is common among women - but not commonly discussed - is asymmetrical breasts. This occurs when one breast is bigger than the other. Not only that, but the breast can be noticeably different in shape and position of the nipple.
This can lead to embarrassment. They may be uncomfortable having intimate relationships because of the dear of ridicule over breast appearance. Fortunately, there is a solution for this problem - in fact, there are multiple solutions combined into one procedure. Find out more about breast asymmetry and what solutions are available to correct this body issue.
What Causes Asymmetrical Breasts?
Uneven breasts are more common than you may think. It is believed that 25 percent of all women suffer from asymmetrical breasts to the point where the differences are visible. Although minor differences should not be concerning, differences in a bra cup size or larger should be evaluated by a doctor.
It's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of breast asymmetry because there are multiple possible causes. Injuries to the breast and hormones are major causes. Sometimes the cause may be a skeletal or medical condition. There is also a condition called juvenile hypertrophy. This causes one breast to grow larger than the other, but this condition is very rare. Chest wall deformities and scoliosis can also lead to breast asymmetry. If the changes in breast size are sudden, they should evaluated by a doctor. This is because the cause could be a mass or tumor, which may or may not be cancerous.
How Can Asymmetrical Breasts Be Corrected?
The correction of breast asymmetry can be done surgically. This surgery may require a combination of breast augmentation, reduction and lifting. These procedures can help even out breasts that differ in shape, size and nipple position.
This correction surgery can take anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on the severity of the asymmetry. The smaller breast can be increased in size with an implant or the larger breast can be reduced with surgery. Sometimes both breasts may require implants - of different sizes - in order maintain a consistent size and shape. Incisions may be placed in the armpits, under the breast or around the areola.
Each woman's breast asymmetry is different. Some differences are more visible than others, meaning that each procedure is tailored to the individual. Your doctor will discuss what procedure is right for your situation.
This can lead to embarrassment. They may be uncomfortable having intimate relationships because of the dear of ridicule over breast appearance. Fortunately, there is a solution for this problem - in fact, there are multiple solutions combined into one procedure. Find out more about breast asymmetry and what solutions are available to correct this body issue.
What Causes Asymmetrical Breasts?
Uneven breasts are more common than you may think. It is believed that 25 percent of all women suffer from asymmetrical breasts to the point where the differences are visible. Although minor differences should not be concerning, differences in a bra cup size or larger should be evaluated by a doctor.
It's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of breast asymmetry because there are multiple possible causes. Injuries to the breast and hormones are major causes. Sometimes the cause may be a skeletal or medical condition. There is also a condition called juvenile hypertrophy. This causes one breast to grow larger than the other, but this condition is very rare. Chest wall deformities and scoliosis can also lead to breast asymmetry. If the changes in breast size are sudden, they should evaluated by a doctor. This is because the cause could be a mass or tumor, which may or may not be cancerous.
How Can Asymmetrical Breasts Be Corrected?
The correction of breast asymmetry can be done surgically. This surgery may require a combination of breast augmentation, reduction and lifting. These procedures can help even out breasts that differ in shape, size and nipple position.
This correction surgery can take anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on the severity of the asymmetry. The smaller breast can be increased in size with an implant or the larger breast can be reduced with surgery. Sometimes both breasts may require implants - of different sizes - in order maintain a consistent size and shape. Incisions may be placed in the armpits, under the breast or around the areola.
Each woman's breast asymmetry is different. Some differences are more visible than others, meaning that each procedure is tailored to the individual. Your doctor will discuss what procedure is right for your situation.