How to Recognize and Treat Coronavirus in Dogs
1Evaluate your dog for signs of coronavirus. Symptoms of this condition may include vomiting and diarrhea. You may also notice that your canine hast lost interest in food.
Take your dog to the vet for an exam. Because this condition can be a serious health issue for your pet, seeking early medical attention is recommended. Your vet will run tests to make a proper diagnosis of your dog’s condition.
Partner with the vet to create a treatment plan for the dog. This may include administering intravenous fluids and antibiotics. You may also need to switch your pet to a bland diet until she is feeling better.
Create a soothing place for your dog to heal. Wash his bedding and provide a few favorite toys. Move his bed to a quiet area of the house that is free from stress and distractions. Encourage him to rest until he is feeling better.
Have other dogs in the household examined, as coronavirus is highly contagious. The animals should all be treated at the same time to prevent a recurrence of the condition.